Nick5207's Comments (4)

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Below are comments about Nick5207's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nick, That's sure a good looking carton. I could not even ome close to doing that! That was a good concert today at your church. Love, grannie
-- Judy
- on January 19, 2012
Nick, Are you aware that I'm in your fan club? I just got an e-mail with your new artwork. I love your "family tree!"
-- Judy
- on January 19, 2012
Nick, Is this by any chance your sister? It looks like her except for the long nose. Love, grannie
-- Judy
- on January 19, 2012
Nick, Is this by any chance your sister? It looks like her except for the long nose.
-- Judy
- on January 19, 2012