Olivia5454's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Olivia5454's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job Olivia! I look forward to seeing more of your artwork!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
You did a great job of layering the umbrellas Olivia! Such attention to detail!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
Good job Olivia! I love your store!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
That is a beautiful starry night of Raymer Elementary! And I see you peeking out from behind the tree! Am I lucky to have a daughter like you or what?!!!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
It all looks so yummy! Do you think she'll miss a piece if I take one? I really like it! Keep up the good work!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
Keep up the good work Olivia! I love your art!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
Good job Olivia! It looks like they are having a party in the box, and the horse of many colors is awesome! You did a very good job! I know horses are your favorite!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
That is a beautiful Poinsettia Olivia! You always make me very proud of you!!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
You did a great job on your snowman Olivia! Keep up the good work!!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
Excellent Eagle Olivia! As always, you do such a good job on your artwork! Trevor would love this one, just like I do!!
-- Bernie
- on March 23, 2011
I Love it Livie! Keep up the good work! You make me very proud!
-- Bernie
- on March 22, 2011
Awesome artwork Olivia! Keep up the good work!
-- Bernie
- on March 22, 2011