Meghan1324's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Meghan1324's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This looks like a city I want to visit and maybe stay thee.
-- Dick
- on April 4, 2012
I love the details and the colors too!
-- Deirdre
- on December 18, 2011
Meg! I love your cityscape. Love, mom.
-- Deirdre
- on December 18, 2011
I love your bugs! Grandma
-- Anne
- on December 18, 2011
What a great cityscape. you have food colors and it looks like a busy city. Love, Grandpa
-- Dick
- on April 4, 2012
Very cool bugs!!
-- Mom
- on December 13, 2011
I remember when we did this!
-- Rory
- on November 30, 2011
The colors are beatiful! I also like the coral.
-- Rory
- on November 30, 2011
What a great job. The design is awesome
-- Anne
- on April 28, 2011
Loved seeing your mask on the wall at school!
-- Mom
- on April 27, 2011
Love it!!!
-- Mom
- on April 27, 2011
Love your shells!
-- Mom
- on April 28, 2011
I love your ostrich! It is beautiful and I can tell you worked hard on it!
-- Mom
- on April 27, 2011
Awesome job!!
-- Deirdre
- on February 10, 2011
Congratulations on a nice piece of art, Meghan! And, I hope your birthday was a happy one earlier this month!
-- Bill
- on February 10, 2011
A great design and the colors are so good too. I love it.
-- Anne
- on December 7, 2010
The colors on this one are striking; you must have had some energetic feelings and creativity that day! I am so happy that you are enjoying your art!! Thanks for sharing it.
-- Deedee
- on May 27, 2010
This figurine is my favorite. It makes me feel happy when I look at it, and I can imagine you felt good making it! You must really be proud of your hard work!!!
-- Deedee
- on May 27, 2010
Meghan - You are such a talented artist! I love them all, but my favorite is the red, yellow and blue piece. You are an amazing artist - keep creating and sharing your work with us! Love and miss you bunches! Love, Mrs. H.
-- Lisa
- on May 27, 2010
Meghan: I love all of your art work but the colors and the arrangement of them are spectacular in this piece. All of the reds in there give it a special flavor.
-- Dick
- on May 26, 2010