Maggie1731's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Maggie1731's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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great job, maggie! is that uncle chris hiding behind one of those trees?
-- Uncle David
- on March 19, 2010
Good Job Maggie Moo! I love your beautiful trees!
-- Madeline
- on March 11, 2010
Maggie- Beautiful project. It makes me think of a warm, sunny, spring day and that makes me very happy. I'm glad I was able to see your school project. Love you.
-- Carolyn
- on March 11, 2010
Hi Maggie You did an excellent job granpa
-- robert
- on March 11, 2010
Dear Maggie: To our budding take after your Mom. What a talent. We love you and hope you will continue to enjoy creating lovely art. Love Grandma and Grandpa
-- Sandra
- on March 10, 2010
-- Larry
- on March 10, 2010
Maggie - Your trees are just beautiful! You obviously got your mommy's talent for art... Please keep drawing. Maybe next time you can draw a picture of Uncle Larry, B-Bess and Flower. We miss you and love you. B-Bess
-- Beth
- on March 10, 2010
Maggie, I absolutely love it. YOU TOTALLY ROCK THE ART!! Keep up the amazing work
-- Scott
- on March 10, 2010
Beautiful work, Maggie! This prooves the budding artist in you is ready to come out! Can't wait to see more of your creations. Love, Mom
- on March 10, 2010