Riley2396's Comments (12)

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Below are comments about Riley2396's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Riley, Great Turtle!! I'm glad to see that he is so happy to be drawn by somebody as great as you!! Granps
- on October 6, 2011
Riley, Great book cover and shows a lot of imagination and talent!! Grampa & Grandma
- on October 6, 2011
The grapes they are really really cool
-- Casey
- on October 6, 2011
that art looks awsome
-- Emily
- on October 6, 2011
Riley, WOW!! Another great piece of art!! We are very proud of your talent!! Gramps & Grandma
- on October 6, 2011
Riley, Looks good enough to eat!! Great job - keep up the good work!! Gramps & Grandma
- on October 6, 2011
Riley, Great job!! We love seeing your art work and recognizing your talent!! Gramps and Grandma
-- Cecil H.
- on March 16, 2011
Riley, Another great piece of art Riley!! We think it's great and love it!! Grammy & Grandpa
-- Cecil H.
- on October 27, 2010
- on June 6, 2010
Riley, Very nice Dragon!!! Keep up the good work and hope you are enjoying making art!! Grandma & Grandpa Cecil
-- Cecil
- on June 6, 2010
Riley, Your art work is beautiful and should be worth millions if they were done by Monet or Picasso!!! :=) Grandpa & Grandma
-- Cecil
- on May 16, 2010
Awesome ice cream! Yum!
-- Mom
- on May 16, 2010