This one was different but I like it. Grandma -- Mary
- on October 28, 2010
Nice artwork Serena, do great work. Uncle Terry -- Terry
- on June 10, 2010
Serena, Nice work, the earrings look like yours, cool. Aunt Barbie -- Barbie
- on June 10, 2010
What a beautiful creature! She has your eyes! Grandpa -- John
- on June 10, 2010
Great job! Love those red earrings! Grandma -- Mary
- on June 10, 2010
Serena I could tell right away what these are. Good job. love grandma -- John
- on June 10, 2010
Nice Ladybugs. So colorful. Love Grandma. -- Mary
- on June 10, 2010
Just like the fish we saw at the aquarium.Let's go fishing! Love Grandpa -- John
- on June 10, 2010
Great job on your fish.It's beautiful. Love Grandma -- Mary
- on June 10, 2010
Nice job Serena, like those lady bugs. Uncle Terry -- Terry
- on May 23, 2010
Serena, awesome job. The butterfly is beautiful. -- Barbie
- on May 20, 2010
Great job! It looks so real with its many colors. I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love Grandpa -- John
- on May 19, 2010
You sure know what Butterflies look like. It is beautiful. So colorful. I love it. When I first saw it I thought I was at the Butterfly Farm! Nice job Serena! Love Grandma -- Mary
- on May 19, 2010
Serena, You made a beautiful colorful egg. Great work. Aunt Barbie -- Barbie
- on April 10, 2010
Awesome work Serena. That is such a colorful egg. Uncle Terry -- Terry
- on April 10, 2010
This one is so colorful. I am so proud of all the beautiful artwork you have done. That's my girl, Serena. Love, Grandma -- Mary
- on April 7, 2010
Beautiful Easter egg. Looks like one you and I made before.I Love it! Grandpa -- John
- on April 7, 2010
Great job Serena, Very colorful. uncle Terry -- Terry
- on March 31, 2010
Hi Serena, Youo did a wonderful job on your picture. Very colorful. I like the outfit, nice. Aunt Barbie -- Barbie
- on March 24, 2010
Love these colors. Looks like a nice warm and sunny day. Love grandpa -- John
- on March 24, 2010
Serena- this is avery warm looking picture after just getting over that cold winter. Proud of you sweetheart. Lve grandma -- Mary
- on March 24, 2010
It so nice. Almost looks like a butterfly with all those colors. Love grandpa! -- John
- on March 24, 2010
How beautiful! So many colors and shapes. I love It! Love Grandma -- Mary
- on March 24, 2010
Serena, you did a wonderful job on the snowman. You are a little artist. Keep it up. Aunt Barbie -- Barbie
- on March 24, 2010
Hey Serena, you did another awesome job. It's a good looking snowman. Uncle Terry -- Terry
- on March 24, 2010
Great job Serena. This is so life like we almost feel the cold coming off it. Great job. Love Grandpa -- John
- on March 24, 2010
Serena I can't believe how cute this is, and that you did it with a sponge. Good job sweetheart. Love Grandma -- Mary
- on March 24, 2010
You did a wonderful job on the water color. Nice bright colors. Keep it up. Love Aunt Barbie -- Barbie
- on March 6, 2010
Serena, Nice colorful watercolor. I like the colors you used. Keepmup the good work. Aunt Barb and Uncle Terry -- Terry
- on March 6, 2010
Pretty as any picture I've seen. Great job. Keep it up. Love Grandpa -- John
- on March 6, 2010
That's my girl, lots of color. This is beautiful. Love Grandma -- Mary
- on March 6, 2010
Great Valentine. I see lots of love in that hand. Love grandpa -- John
- on March 6, 2010
Loved your Valentine Message. Your hands are getting so big. Love Grandma -- Mary
- on March 6, 2010
Great job. I'm proud of you. Love Grandpa -- John
- on March 6, 2010
Serena This is beautiful. I Love the stars in the sky. Very good. Love Grandma -- Mary
- on March 6, 2010
Serena, you did a wonderful job on your christmas tree. Uncle Terry
- on December 19, 2009
I like your Christmas tree. Nice job. Aunt Barbie
- on December 19, 2009
Where did you learn how to draw? You are a great artist. I am so proud of you. Love Grandpa
- on December 19, 2009
This is so awesome! I love it. It looks more beautiful than my tree at home. You are gonna be a great artist someday. Love Grandma
- on December 19, 2009
Doing a wonderful job, I like the good job you did on the gingerbread man. Never stop. Uncle Terry
- on December 13, 2009
Hey Serena, Nice pumpkin. Doing a great job. Uncle Terry
- on December 13, 2009
Serena, you did a great job with the pumpkins sitting on the fence, awesome. Aunt Barbie
- on December 13, 2009
Hi Serena, Awesome gingerbread man. Doing great work. Aunt Barbie
- on December 13, 2009
Serena this is just great. You just keep getting better and better. Love Grandpa
- on December 13, 2009
Great job Serena! I love it! Grandma is so proud of all you do. You should make some gingerbread men cookies to look like this. Love Grandma
- on December 13, 2009
Wow, I like that vest. You are so creative Serena. Your doing a great job. Love ya, Aunt Barbie
- on November 25, 2009
Hey Serena, Nice vest. You're dooing great. Love Uncle Terry
- on November 25, 2009
Serena this is beautiful. Someday maybe you'll be a fashion designer or maybe a famous model and we'll have this as your first modeling-creation. Love you and lets see lots more pictures. Grandma and Grandpa.
- on November 25, 2009
Way to go. Nice artwork. Love Uncle Terry
- on November 22, 2009
Still doing a good job Serena. Never stop. Love Aunt Barbie
- on November 22, 2009
Awesome turkey Serena, you did a great job. Can't wait to see the next artwork you do. Love Aunt Barb and Uncle Terry
- on November 10, 2009
great job Serena,hope to see more
- on October 31, 2009
Serena, Uncle Terry and Aunt Barb think you did a great job on your artwork.I really liked your triangle cat. Keep up the good work.
- on October 31, 2009
Serena Great job on your pictures! Love, Grandma and Grandpa