Very nice Thomas! Looks like you are hoping for winter! -- Grandma Jmmy
- on November 6, 2013
Your beautiful picture is making me look forward to those SNOW DAYS!!!! Great job! -- Anne
- on November 6, 2013
Hello Thomas! Love your winter scene...looks very lifelike & peaceful! Love you! -- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on September 27, 2013
Great drawings, Thomas! Loved it! -- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on May 9, 2012
Impressive -- Matthew
- on January 24, 2012
It looks so realistic! I thought you had taken a picture! -- Matt
- on November 10, 2011
Nice job on your playground drawing! We are so glad you like to run and 'be healthy'! Love you Thomas, Grandma Jimmy & Grandpa Larry -- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on November 8, 2011
Cool ship -- Matt
- on November 3, 2011
Very cool ship, Thomas (you know how much we love boats!) Hope you have a wonderful Halloween! Love you, Grandma Jimmy & Grandpa Larry -- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on October 31, 2011
Cool ship, Tank! -- Matt
- on October 30, 2011
Nice Thomas! It's very good. That's a better rabbit than I can draw! -- Matthew
- on October 15, 2011
Thomas -- I LOVE your tortoise and your hare! So cute! -- Mom
- on October 15, 2011
Is that you playing basketball? -- Mom
- on October 2, 2011
Your self-portrait this year is so different from last year's...Good work! -- Mom
- on October 2, 2011
I'm loving ALL of your suns! -- Mom
- on October 1, 2011
Cool picture Thomas! I love it. It looks like a Talking Heads alblum! -- Matthew
- on September 30, 2011
And I thought that was your daddy! I love that picture! -- Anne
- on September 30, 2011
Love it, Thomas! Hope you are all doing fine! -- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
We love your abstract Name art, Thomas! Very cool! Love you & miss you much! Grandma Jimmy & Grandpa Larry -- Larry&Jimmy
- on June 7, 2011
Wow thomas! that's really cool -- matt
- on June 6, 2011
Wow! How beautiful, Thomas! We are soo proud of you! -- Larry&Jimmy
- on May 17, 2011
awesome flowers thomas! they look real!! -- matthew
- on May 7, 2011
I have always LOVED Van Gogh"s sunflowers and this has made me love it even more! Beautiful Job, Thhomas!!! -- Mrs. Fox
- on May 7, 2011
You are very skilled at people pictures! Great job! -- Larry&Jimmy
- on March 16, 2011
I like the earrings! Nice job Tank! -- Jill
- on March 16, 2011
More talent!! -- Jill
- on March 9, 2011
Very cool Thomas! Love your work! -- Larry&Jimmy
- on March 8, 2011
You are such a wonderful artist!!!! -- Anne Fox
- on March 8, 2011
Such talent!! -- Jill
- on March 8, 2011
We LOVE your snowman, Thomas!! You must have seen a lot of snow this year to make such a real-life snowman! We love you! -- Larry&Jimmy
- on February 17, 2011
I love your snowman Thomas! It would look good on my wall -- matt
- on February 11, 2011
Hi Thomas! You are doing super art work and we love getting to see your fantastic work online! Love you much, Grandma Jimmy & Grandpa Larry! -- Larry&Jimmy
- on January 30, 2011
I love it! My family had a pet squirrel when I was growing reminded me of Chippy. -- Anne Fox
- on January 28, 2011
Awesome Squirrel Thomas!!! -- matthew
- on January 27, 2011
What a super job Thomas! -- jimmy
- on December 18, 2010
Very great job, Thomas! -- Larry
- on December 18, 2010
Awesome -- matt
- on December 18, 2010
Awesome -- matt
- on December 18, 2010
Awesome -- matt
- on December 18, 2010
Awesome tree! -- matthew
- on December 18, 2010
That is an awesome cube thomas!! I'm calling it... CUBE!!! -- matt
- on December 20, 2010
We love all of your artwork, but your snowy tree painting makes us feel like we REALLYwish we were back in Roanoke to play in the snow with you! -- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on December 15, 2010
Thomas -- I feel so cold looking at your painting...Is that what our backyard will look like tomorrow? -- Mom
- on December 15, 2010
Cool! Love the message! -- Ellen
- on December 13, 2010
Wow, Thomas -- It's so hard to draw hands, and yours looks great! -- Mom
- on December 13, 2010
I think Pop Pop needs to get this on a coffee cup! Lovely! -- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on December 7, 2010
Love the colors you chose, Thomas... -- Mom
- on December 7, 2010
He looks just like the one we had for Thanksgiving! -- Mimi
- on November 30, 2010
great turkey thomas! -- matthew
- on November 26, 2010
What a great turkey! He looks good enough to eat! Nice job! -- Mom
- on November 24, 2010
Thomas: I don't think I've ever seen Jill look better! Love, Aunt Maureen -- Aunt Maureen
- on November 21, 2010
aunt jill looks fabulous! -- matthew
- on November 15, 2010
Oh wow!!! No wrinkles!! Just lovin it Thomas!! Thank you! -- Jill
- on November 15, 2010
Good work, Thomas! It looks just like Aunt Jill, right down to her hair color.... -- Mom
- on November 14, 2010
Thomas -- Good work drawing Aunt Jill...It's hard to know what color her hair is at any given moment, but I think you captured her! Good job! -- Mom
- on November 15, 2010
Thomas: Is that a self portrait?? LOVE the colors you chose! Love, Aunt Maureen -- Maureen
- on October 27, 2010
that is awesome Thomas! is that you? -- matthew
- on October 27, 2010
Just lovin your art work!! I want more!! -- Aunt Jill
- on October 27, 2010
Thomas -- I love that you made this to help someone else... -- Mom
- on October 26, 2010
those salmon look awesome thomas! i want to eat them so bad! -- matthew
- on October 25, 2010
Fanstasic. Can I request a turtle picture? -- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on October 23, 2010
I love your salmon! Perhaps you can catch one and we can have it for dinner tonight? -- Mom
- on October 23, 2010
Love those sticks! -- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on October 22, 2010
Your artwork is just fabulous!!! It is so hard to pick my favorite so I will have to say they are all my favorite! -- Jill
- on October 20, 2010
I'd live in this log cabin! I especially like the smoke coming out of the chimney...Good work! -- Mom
- on October 19, 2010
It looks just like you! When did you become such a good artist?! -- Mom
- on October 19, 2010
I LOVE your school bus! I especially like how you filled the entire space! I can't believe you're old enough to ride on the bus! -- Mom
- on October 19, 2010
Thomas: I love your school bus! Love, Aunt Maureen -- Maureen
- on October 16, 2010
Thomas: LOVE your artwork! Love, Aunt Maureen -- Maureen