Lillian553's Comments (24)

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Below are comments about Lillian553's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Lilly, Gramma Pat loves all your art work. I can see how you have grown as you create pictures. Keep up the great work. Grampa and I are looking forward to seeing your next picture. Love Gramma
-- Patricia
- on December 18, 2013
Lilly, Love your North Star. The colors are very cool. Keep up the great work. Love, Gramma Patricia
-- Patricia
- on December 18, 2013
Lilly, love your new art work. You are doing a great job. Gramma patricia
-- patricia
- on October 17, 2013
Hi Lilly, Papa and I love your art work. Love your ginger bread house. It is very fancy and colorful. Love and miss you. Mema & Papa
-- Gransma Patricia
- on February 17, 2013
Lilly, Love the birds in the snow. You did a beautiful job Love the colors. Each picture gets better and better. Keep up the great work. Gramma Pat
-- Patricia
- on November 23, 2012
I love this picture! You did a great job, Lilly. Love Meme & Papa
-- Debbie
- on November 23, 2012
Hi Lilly. l love your art work. Keep up the great work. Miss ya, Gramma
- on June 23, 2011
That is an awesome bug! Great job, Lilly!
-- Mema
- on April 20, 2011
That's a great family picture!
-- Mema
- on December 22, 2010
Hi Lilly, Poppa and Grandma Smith thinks your art work is the greatest. Keep up the good work. We're looking forward to seeing the next one. Love and miss you. Hugs and Kisses P & G
-- Patricia
- on October 11, 2010
I love the primary colors here Lilly. Have have created a beautiful piece of art!
-- mom
- on October 11, 2010
I love this picture lilly. With all those wonderful lines it looks like a beautiful mountain range. great job sweetie!
-- mom
- on September 20, 2010
Hi Lilly, We love your cherry tree. It is very colorful and cheery. Hope your having a great summer. Love, Gramma & Poppa Smith
-- Patricia
- on July 22, 2010
Lilly, I just saw the other pictures you did. They are great.The turtle is my favorite. Keep up the good work. Love, Gramma Pat
-- Patricia
- on April 20, 2010
Hi Lilly, Grampa and I are soooo excited to be seeing you soon. Love your art work. Keep up the good work. Say hi to Ella for us. We joined your fan club. Hope it shows. Love, Gramma Pat and Granpa Ron
-- Patricia
- on April 20, 2010
Lilly, What a great job!
-- Mema Debbie
- on April 20, 2010
Lilly, That's the best x-ray I've ever seen!
-- Mema Debbie
- on April 13, 2010
Lilly, We'll have to look for some of those types of turtles!
-- Papa Ricci
- on April 12, 2010
Lilly, I love the umbrella! That's "U" all over!
-- Mema Debbie
- on April 12, 2010
Beautiful flowers. Great job Lilly!
-- Papa Ricci
- on April 12, 2010
Great job on V for vase Lilly. Your flowers remind me of spring.
-- mom. dad and Ella
- on April 6, 2010
awesome job! Some of Lilly's other art work was chosen to be in a traveling art show that will be at her school in May! Maybe we have a young artist on our hands here.
-- mom and dad
- on February 14, 2010
Very nice job!!!
-- Parent
- on February 13, 2010
Lillian - that is an awesome snowman! I'm very proud of you.
-- Aunt Kandyce
- on February 13, 2010