Sean3262's Comments (30)

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Below are comments about Sean3262's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very cool! More great artwork!
-- Aunt Melanie
- on June 25, 2014
We really like this, Sean. You have the concept (and execution) down perfectly! Way to go.
-- Grammy & Papa
- on April 3, 2014
Very cool Sean! Love it!
-- Melanie
- on December 18, 2013
Wow! You are so talented, Sean! Great work!
-- Melanie
- on March 19, 2013
Very cool, Sean! You are so talented! Happy Valentine's Day! I love you!
-- Melanie
- on February 27, 2013
I sure wouldn't want to be on that boat! Your storm and wave are magnificent! Love, Grammy and Papa
-- Jan
- on February 27, 2013
Wow Sean! What a pwerful painting - and scary wave! Love you!
-- Melanie
- on October 19, 2012
Another great picture, Sean! We love it! Grammy and Papa
-- Jan
- on October 19, 2012
Sean, your artwork is incredible! You are an amazing artist! I love you. Love, Aunt Melanie
-- Melanie
- on October 19, 2012
Another nice picture, Sean. I love your art work!
-- Jan
- on October 19, 2012
Very cool Sean! This is great!
-- Melanie
- on October 19, 2012
Yay!!! New artwork!!! This is BEAUTIFUL! I love it! Sean, you are such a talented artist. This is amazing and makes me want to go look at the cherry blossoms - or just to come see the original of this painting (and you!). Great job!
-- Melanie
- on January 16, 2012
Sean, I was just looking at your art again. It is amazing. This one really captures the emotion of an angry man. I am so impressed. I love you. Love, Aunt Melanie
-- Melanie
- on March 28, 2011
Sean, your flowers are Beautiful!
-- Kristy
- on March 8, 2011
Sean, We love your artwork. You're a very talented young man. We love you, too. Grammy and Papa
-- Jan and Carl
- on March 8, 2011
Sean, I love your newest painting, too! It is beautiful!!!
-- Melanie
- on March 7, 2011
I love your interpretation of The Cat in the Hat Sean! You have fans in Oregon!
-- Leslie
- on February 23, 2011
Sean, I really like your pictures. I think The Cat in The Hat is my favorite; but they are all great! Gruncle Ken
-- Ken
- on February 23, 2011
Sean -- Good work! I particularly like your O'Keeffe flower. We live near Georgia O'Keeffe country in New Mexico -- where she lived for 30 years and painted many landscapes. Come visit us sometime. - Cousin (twice-removed) Jan & Russ
-- Jan
- on February 19, 2011
These are really great. You have quite a talent. Keep creating.
-- Kristin
- on February 17, 2011
SEAN! Your pictures are AWESOME!!! I am going to show them to all my friends! Love you!!
-- Kara
- on February 16, 2011
Sean, Your art work is amazing! My favorite is the Angry Man. It really shows the emotion perfectly and the colors are especially well-chosen. I think Katie and Lily will like your pictures, too. I will show it to them! Love, your Great Aunt Kay
-- Kay
- on February 16, 2011
Dear Sean, This still life is great. Can you comment on how you came up with the idea, because it shows great imagination? Love, Grammy
-- Jan
- on February 16, 2011
Dear Sean, I think this is a really terrific portrait of feeling angry. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a better one. Can you portray some other feelings for me sometime? I'd like to hang several in our upstairs bedroom! Love, Grammy
-- Jan
- on February 16, 2011
Sean, your artwork is terrific! Great job! Love, Dad
-- Dad
- on February 16, 2011
Sean--I love your art. The flower painting is truly beautiful. I am so proud to be your mommy. I love you.
-- Mom
- on February 16, 2011
Sean - You are such a great artist! Thank you for sharing your pictures with us. Love, Aunt Kristy
-- Kristy
- on February 16, 2011
Sean, I LOVE your art! It is amazing! Congratulations on your "art student of the week" honor, too. You earned it! Your artwork is so good! I'm proud of you! Maybe you can give me some art lessons. I love you. Love, Aunt Melanie
-- Melanie
- on February 16, 2011
Sean, You often draw pictures at my house and you are getting very good at drawing (much better than I'll ever be). I especially like your angry man picture- it really looks like a very angry man! Keep up the good work.
-- Mary
- on February 16, 2011
Sean- Your new paintings are breathtakingly beautiful. You are a very talented artist. I particularly like the Cat in the Hat painting.
-- Charlie
- on February 16, 2011