Hey Jude, Love the new artwork, cute birds, I see you drew your favorites, baseball, reading, I'm thinking those red and white objects are beach towels at the beach, am I right? Keep up the good work. Love, Grammie and Granddad -- Mickie
- on December 14, 2011
Hey Jude, Love the new sun clay sculpture, very creative! Love, Grammie and Granddad -- Mickie
- on July 7, 2011
great self portrait, you are smiling in it, so I assume you feeling happy! Love, Grammie and Granddad -- Mickie
- on April 5, 2011
Hey Jude, Love the new artwork, keep up the good work! Love, Grammie and Granddad -- Mickie
- on March 30, 2011
Hi Jude - I love your artwork! Thanks for sharing it with me. Love Auntie Annie -- Auntie Annie
- on January 31, 2011
Hi Jude - I love your artwork! Thanks for sharing it with me. Love, Auntie Annie -- Auntie Annie
- on January 31, 2011
Hey Jude, Love your new additons to your art collection. Keep up the good work! xo Grammie and Granddad -- Mickie
- on January 31, 2011
Dear Jude - Fantastic job on all 3 of your portraits! I think that I liked that one the best due to the imagination and creativity - PLUS it has a lot of GREEN in it and besides green being my favorite color, it was sent to me on St. Patricks Day - which is a day that has a LOT of green in it. You did a GREAT job on all three! I look forward to viewing more of your Art Work! You are VERY talented! I am VERY proud of you! X0, Uncle Tommmmmy X0 -- Tommmmmy
- on April 12, 2010
Hi Jude - I Loved ALL of your ArtWork - but, this one really caught my eye due to it's detail and because it is mostly done in GREEN and I received it on St. Patricks Day!(A day where everything is GREEN) I also loved the other two pictures! You are VERY talented. I look forward to seeing MORE of your ArtWork! I am very proud of you!! Love, Uncle Tommmmmy -- Tommmmmy
- on April 12, 2010
Great work Jude, so happy to be a member of your fan club. (although we have been members of your fan club for 7 years!) Love, Grammie and Granddad -- Grammie and Granddad
- on March 17, 2010
Jude, Love your artwork!! You're a very talent artisit. Looking forward to seeing more! -- Auntie Kat
- on March 17, 2010
Great job Jude! You're a great artist. -- Auntie Maryellen