Mmmm, I think I know who's on this picture. Another beautiful one, Anavi. -- Maman
- on April 13, 2012
I love your dinosaurs this year, Anavi. You're such an awesome artist! -- Maman
- on April 13, 2012
Great job, Anavi. I can't wait to see it up close. Maman -- Sandrine
- on November 12, 2011
Very good job, young artist ! Kisses ... -- Tata Nanou
- on November 12, 2011
I love this one, very detailed. Great job! -- Maman
- on November 12, 2011
Beautiful work Anavi. You are a great artist just like your mom! -- Georgina
- on December 23, 2010
Very good work! You're well on your way to being as great as your mom! -- Amber
- on December 23, 2010
Great composition Anavi - you are not afraid of filling the space and dynamic color choices. Love the bright green! I see you becoming a wonderful artist. Cheers! -- Golders
- on December 23, 2010
You look very pretty on this picture. -- Maman
- on December 23, 2010
I love it Anavi, you're such a great artist! -- Maman