Chloe2262's Comments (83)

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Below are comments about Chloe2262's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Chloe -- You put a TON of work into this! I especially like all your different icons! Good work, as always...
-- Mom
- on November 6, 2013
Loving your "If I were an animal"! It's written very nicely, and I love the illustration at the bottom!
-- Mom
- on October 3, 2012
Hi Chloe! Good job on your drawing and the message is VERY good! We love you & miss you lots, Grandma Jimmy & Grandpa Larry
-- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on November 8, 2011
-- Matt
- on November 6, 2011
Wow how long did it take you to make that?
-- Matt
- on November 3, 2011
-- Matthew
- on November 3, 2011
You have been doing some really fun and interesting artwork, Chloe! Hope you had a fun birthday and thanks for the thank you card! Have a very fun Halloween! Love you, Grandma Jimmy & Grandpa Larry
-- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on October 31, 2011
Nice picture chloe
-- Matt
- on October 30, 2011
Hi Chloe! We love to look at your new artwork and we really enjoy your imagination! You are getting to be quite a good drawer and have learned so much about new techniques! We love you and hope you have a wonderful birthday next week. Wish we could be there to give you a big hug in person. Love you!
-- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on October 4, 2011
Was this Asian inspired?
-- Mom
- on October 2, 2011
That looks fierce, Chloe!
-- Mom
- on October 2, 2011
I'm loving the bold print on the top...
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2011
Project Runway, here you come!
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2011
That Princess should have worn THIS hat to the royal wedding!
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2011
I love this technique...Would look very cool on a t-shirt.
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2011
We need to send this to Deb's!
-- Mom
- on October 3, 2011
Caroline would definitely appreciate this!
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2011
This is making me hungry....
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2011
Love the color combination, Chloe!
-- Mom
- on October 1, 2011
Hi, Chloe! You sure have been very busy with art this year and doing an excellent job! We love your creativity and designs! Hope you are enjoying school & we miss you! Love you!
-- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on September 20, 2011
Well done and love the fabulous colors!
-- Jill
- on September 20, 2011
LOVE your fashion designs...way cool!
-- charlotte
- on September 20, 2011
Hi Chloe! Love your pictures of Mimi & G Pa Dave! Too funny!!
-- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on September 16, 2011
Awesome fashion designes, Chloe!
-- GmaJimmy&GpaLarry
- on September 15, 2011
Very pretty, Chloe! Gold is one of my favoirte colors! Love you! Gma Jimmy
-- Larry&Jimmy
- on April 20, 2011
I think her eyes are very expressive! Good Job!
-- Ellen
- on April 18, 2011
that is a cool looking butterfly! I like the paper you did it on chloe! you are going to be a great artist!
-- matthew
- on April 17, 2011
Great painting...very realistic~! We especially love the way you used the shadows to give definition and perspective! Hope you are all doing very well and that spring is there in Roanoke!
-- Larry&Jimmy
- on March 17, 2011
Wow this would make a fabulous Christmas card to send out next year. I hope it will be still available!
-- Aunt Jill
- on March 17, 2011
-- Jill
- on March 15, 2011
Chloe: I love your artwork! I'm going to have some notecards made out of this one, so I can send notes to people with this wonderful colorful picture on them!
-- Aunt Maureen
- on March 8, 2011
I love it Chloe!
-- matt
- on March 6, 2011
We LOVE your new art submissions! What a talented family we have! Keep up the great work! Love you!
-- Larry&Jimmy
- on March 5, 2011
Fabulous wizard sculpture, Chloe...great work~!
-- Larry&Jimmy
- on February 17, 2011
awesome chloe!!
-- matt
- on February 16, 2011
awesome Chloe! I love the shading on the shapes, I could almost pull the objects of the paper!
-- matt
- on February 1, 2011
You really nailed the shadows on these geo-shapes! You are doing amazing work, Chloe & we are sooooo proud of you! Love you, Grandma Jimmy & Grandpa Larry.
-- Larry&Jimmy
- on January 30, 2011
that is an awesome Elephant Chloe! I like the medium!
-- matthew
- on January 27, 2011
I do like this! Reminds me of my trip to South Africa!
-- Aunt Fav
- on January 27, 2011
-- matt
- on December 18, 2010
Great apple chloe!!
-- matt
- on December 18, 2010
Looks good enough to eat
-- matt
- on December 20, 2010
Awesome tv chloe
-- matthew
- on December 18, 2010
Great work, Chloe! Love you lots! Grandpa Larry
-- Larry
- on December 18, 2010
Hi Chloe! Great advertisement and the very pretty lady you drew looks like it could be you! Love you & miss you! Hope you are enjoying the winter weather! Love, Grandma Jimmy
-- Jimmy
- on December 18, 2010
Chloe, You told us you were very good in math, but we didnt know you were also very artistic and so clever! After you learn about multiplication tables, you can eat your lesson or hang it on the wall! Great job and it looks like it was lots of fun doing it!
-- Larry&Jimmy
- on December 15, 2010
Chloe -- Yummy! How were you able to make all the arrays when I know how much you love marshmallows??
-- Mom
- on December 15, 2010
Nice worm! Looks like a big meal!
-- Brian
- on December 15, 2010
Like the worm!
-- Ellen
- on December 13, 2010
I think your Mali mask is cool!
-- Mom
- on December 7, 2010
Great job, Chloe! Love the colors.
-- Mimi
- on November 30, 2010
-- matthew
- on November 26, 2010
Love it! Autumn is my favorite season, and I especially like the colors.....Good work, as always!
-- Mom
- on November 24, 2010
Now that's gorgeous!
-- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on November 24, 2010
Chloe: I love the colors on this!! Love, Aunt Maureen
-- Aunt Maureen
- on November 24, 2010
Chloe: How come she gets a portrait and I don't??? Love, Aunt Maureen
-- Aunt Maureen
- on November 21, 2010
Fabulous! I think I look great!
-- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on November 15, 2010
aunt jean looks so young!
-- matthew
- on November 15, 2010
WOO HOO Aunt Jean looks like a teenager!! She will be real happy!
-- Jill
- on November 15, 2010
Chloe -- Fabulous! I'm sure Aunt Jean will love it! Good job!
-- Mom
- on November 14, 2010
Chloe: wow..the use of the leaves is terrific!! The only bad thing is that it reminds me that Fall is almost over and winter will be starting!!! I want summer to come back!!! Love, Aunt Maureen
-- Maureen
- on November 12, 2010
I like the leaf art!
-- matthew
- on November 12, 2010
Chloe -- Love your leaf picture...It's hard to create with leaves, isn't it?
-- Mom
- on November 12, 2010
cool house Chloe!
-- matthew
- on October 28, 2010
Love your Math Fact House, Chloe. I used to draw houses like that...Actually, I STILL draw houses like that, but your birds are so much better than mine!
-- Mom
- on October 28, 2010
Chloe: I love math!! You should be a math major in college! Love, Aunt Maureen
-- Maureen
- on October 27, 2010
wow chloe! did you make that out of clay or pick it up from the ground? i like it a whole lot!
-- matthew
- on October 27, 2010
How cool is that!!! I've never seen that done before!
-- Aunt Jill
- on October 27, 2010
Chloe -- What a great self-portrait! I used to draw lots of rainbows when I was your age....
-- Mom
- on October 26, 2010
I LOVE your leaf! The colors are beautiful...Fall is my favorite season -- is it yours?
-- Mom
- on October 26, 2010
cool sun chloe!
-- matthew
- on October 24, 2010
it reminds me of the great sunshine at Emerald Isle! Now if I could only see a picture of my favorite animal!
-- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on October 23, 2010
Love your sun -- the colors are fabulous...It's as if I'm looking into the real sun!
-- Mom
- on October 23, 2010
cool artwork chloe! i can't wait to see more!
-- matt
- on October 22, 2010
I would love for the artist to draw a portrait of me for a tote bag!
-- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on October 22, 2010
I will be ordering a bag with this art work on it when I get home!!! I'm so just lovin it!!!
-- Jill
- on October 22, 2010
I love this!
-- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on October 22, 2010
I just love your artwork and you are so talented!
-- Jill
- on October 20, 2010
I think this is beautiful!
-- Favorite Aunt Jean
- on October 20, 2010
I love how you can see a profile within your face -- very cool!
-- Mom
- on October 19, 2010
I think your eyelashes look fabulous! And you managed to capture your smile perfectly....
-- Mom
- on October 19, 2010
I love your Greek pottery, Chloe. I especially like the tree and would love to know what it symbolizes....
-- Mom
- on October 19, 2010
Chloe: Wow! A Picasso! TERRIFIC! Love, Aunt Maureen
-- Maureen
- on October 13, 2010