Great picture Alex! Looks like everyone is having fun. Love you, Grandma. -- Lorna
- on March 11, 2011
Love this picture Alex..........looks like you had fun drawing or painting this one. -- Audrey
- on March 5, 2011
Wow! This is a GREAT picture, Alex. You sure put a lot of thought into it. Love you....Great Aunt Barb -- Barb
- on January 7, 2011
Great picture Alex. Looks like fun! Love you, Grandma B. -- Lorna
- on January 7, 2011
Love this picture Alex. It is really cool and very well done : ) Love Grandma B -- Lorna
- on December 26, 2010
Alex this is a very good picture. keep it up. -- Grandpa
- on November 22, 2010
I love all the stars and color. It is a great piece of artwork. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma N. -- Audrey
- on November 22, 2010
I really like this, Alex. The colors are great and it looks really cool on the black background. Love you! Aunt Kristy -- Kristy
- on October 11, 2010
Alex, I think you are a very good artist. Thank you for sharing your art work with me. It came all the way up to Kalkaska in my home just so I could see it too. I love the colorful Picture you made of the robot. You are a very good artist indeed. Love you. Tell everyone Aunt Doris said hello! -- Doris
- on October 11, 2010
What a great picture I like it very much -- Grandpa
- on October 11, 2010
Totally awesome! Love your picture. Love you, Grandma B. -- Lorna
- on October 11, 2010
Awesome Robot Alex! Love the awesome detail. Love Grandma -- Audrey
- on October 11, 2010
Way "cool" Alex. You did a great job! Love you, Grandma -- Lonra
- on May 7, 2010
Awesome artwork buddy!!! Love, Grandma -- Audrey
- on May 7, 2010
Alex, I like this art work you did. It is very nice. Keep up the good work Alex. love you! -- Doris
- on May 7, 2010
i love the little people! -- Carrie
- on May 1, 2010
i really like the colors in this one -- Carrie
- on May 1, 2010
oooooo! I really like this one, Alex! It is cool! -- Carrie
- on May 1, 2010
You are AWESOME! Love your pictures, and I love you! -- Lorna
- on May 1, 2010
You did a very good job keep it up. You are very talented. -- Philip
- on April 26, 2010
Alex, I love your art work buddy. You are awesome and you do good work. Keep up the good work Alex. love ya little buddy. -- Doris
- on April 26, 2010
Great work!!! What a talented little artist you are. Love, Grandma -- Audrey
- on April 26, 2010
love this one!!!! -- Audrey
- on April 26, 2010
Great job!!!! -- Audrey
- on April 26, 2010
Great artwork Alex!!!!!! Love you....Great Aunt Barb -- Barbara
- on April 26, 2010
Love your art work but this is my favorite. Keep up the great work!!! -- Audrey