Nicole4579's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Nicole4579's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Nicole, Love those red and pink tulips. My dafodills are almost ready to open up. I hope they will be open when you come on Easter. Tulips have a way to go yet. It is supposed to get warm next week so I hope you will have a fun time looking for your eggs. Remember they will be harder to find this year because you are getting older. Love ya Muga.
-- marilyn
- on March 31, 2010
Hi NIcole That butterfly is really neat. How did you get the line down the middle so straight? You must like butterflies. I like them too. I like when you send me things on the computer. Maybe some day I'll learn to do that too. Love ya. Muga.
-- Marilyn
- on March 13, 2010
Your Lion is amazing! We love it! Love Papa, Muga and Aunt Elizabeth
-- Donna
- on March 10, 2010
Nicole: We like to look at all of your artwork. You like to use many different colors! I think your elephant, fish, flomjo, butterfly looks very happy! Is it playing or running or maybe looking for food? Keep making new creations; we will be glad to see them all. Love, Muga & Papa in Texas
-- Ron
- on March 1, 2010
Computer Class - Feb 2009
-- Heather
- on February 17, 2010
Nicole, Papa and I really like the purple butterfly. Did you make this on the computer at home or at school? You will have to show me how when we see you next. Keep up the good job!! Love Muga and Papa
-- Marilyn
- on February 17, 2010