Landen, WOW! This is awesome. You did a great job! You truly are an artist! -- Kimberly
- on February 1, 2011
I love the picture of the penguins, and your other pictures too. You are such a good artist! Love, Mimi -- Susan
- on November 23, 2010
Landen, You are such a good artist and I'm very proud of you. Keep up the good work! -- Kimberly
- on April 16, 2010
Landen, You are such a talented little guy. Keep up the good work and never lose your colorful sense of imagination. I love your artwork! Love, Aunt Casey -- Casey
- on April 16, 2010
I like the skate board! -- Uncle Rob
- on April 16, 2010
I love the swirls and great colors on this piece. You are so creative Landen! -- Rachel
- on April 16, 2010
Landen~ Great job on your art work. We are so proud of you!!!! Love, Mom and Dad -- Callie