Anthony5411's Comments (22)

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Below are comments about Anthony5411's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Wow he reminds me of a chartecter in the movie robots....great job!!!
-- Natalie
- on November 7, 2010
Anthony, I hope I don't meet this guy on Halloween. He is fantastic, and scary. Love to you. Grandma Carol
-- Carol
- on October 16, 2010
Anthony, this is awesome. We're are so impressed with all of your art.
-- Susan
- on May 12, 2010
Hi Anthony, I love your sun and all of its different expressions. I'm so glad it is spring because when I get home from work the sun is still shining! Love, Aunt Fran
-- Fran
- on April 15, 2010
Hi Anthony, I love your hot air balloon, is that you inside of it? The colors are just beautiful. Keep up the good work.
-- Grandma Carol
- on April 15, 2010
Hi Anthony, Wonderful hot air balloon! I really like the jagged lines for each color. Love, Aunt Fran
-- Fran
- on April 15, 2010
Buck, Great job on the air balloon. Very colorful. Keep up the good work. Love You!!!!!
-- Nancy
- on April 15, 2010
Hi Anthony, A very good likeness of Abe Lincoln. Keep up the good work.
-- Marsha
- on February 10, 2010
Hi Anthony - Very nice drawing of Abraham Lincoln. He has quite a beard. At first when I looked at it, I thought it was your dad :) Just kidding. Love, Aunt Fran
-- Fran
- on February 10, 2010
GREAT JOB! Anthony. All your pictures are fantastic and you do a very good job. Your quite the artist and very detailed. Love and miss you. Aunt Marsha
- on January 29, 2010
Hi Anthony, Your picture is out of this world, hearts are fantastic. I just love it. Have a great day, Love Grandma Carol and Scot
- on January 29, 2010
Awesome Valentines picture Anthony. I LOVE IT!!! and I love you. Grandma Nancy
- on January 29, 2010
Hi Anthony! Wow great colors. Your pictures looks like they are having lots of fun! Keep up the great work...
- on January 29, 2010
Anthony, Really cool art work. I don't know which one I like best! Your playground scenes are so expressive. I like the rollerskating person and the runner. Keep up the great work. Aunt Renee and Uncle Gary
- on January 29, 2010
Hi Tony, Great job! This reminds me of when Olivia and Madison were your age playing at recess. This picture makes me very happy :) Love, Aunt Fran and Uncle Tony
- on January 23, 2010
Well done Anthony another great piece of art love ya Dad
- on January 23, 2010
Anthony, What a great picture. Looks like everyone is having a fun time. Keep up the great work. Hugs & Kisses... I love you! Grandma Nancy
- on January 21, 2010
Anthony this reminds me of "Happy Feet" You have done a great job. Keep up the great work. Grandma Carol is soooooooooo proud.
- on January 5, 2010
Wow Anthony I love all those colors you used! Great job!!
- on December 30, 2009
Anthony, Craig, Diesel and I loved this one, the penguins are great!
- on January 5, 2010
Hi Anthony, We love both your penguin and your cold/warm art pieces. I really like the little baby penguin on top of the larger penguins head. Great job, keep up the hard work in school! Love, Aunt Fran and Uncle Tony
- on December 30, 2009
Good job Anthony I'm proud of you.
- on December 30, 2009