Marcus1275's Comments (16)

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Below are comments about Marcus1275's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Marcus, This snowman has a big smile just like you. This snowman is going to be hanging around (our tree) for awhile. Good work. Love, Mom
- on December 26, 2010
Hi Marcus, Nice job on the pumpkin. I like his lips. Love, Mom
- on December 26, 2010
Hi Marcus ! I'm checking out you'r art work. Looks good ! Grandpa
-- Ron
- on December 26, 2010
Cool picture. I like the idea of a hotel across from a dounut shop. Love Mom.
- on March 8, 2010
I like your wind chimes very much. I will keep them forever. Love Mom
- on March 8, 2010
Good Job ! Marcus. I'd like to hear the wind chimes.
-- Ron
- on March 8, 2010
Aww.. BEAUTIFUL!!! 8}
-- Marcella
- on March 8, 2010
Nice Marc! Is this u??
-- Marcella
- on March 8, 2010
Hello Marcus ! This is a great picture. I like the way it goes off into the sunset. Or maybe into the sonrise. Good job ! I look forward to the next one . Grandpa Ron.
-- Ron
- on March 8, 2010
Hello Marcus ! That picture is very nice ! I like the way it goes of into the sunset. Or maybe into the sonrise. I hope you will draw some more. I enjoy looking at them. Good Job, Grandpa Ron.
-- Ron
- on March 8, 2010
Marcus, I really like your picture of Mona Lisa. You did a good job. I like her long neck and she has an interesting smile. Love, Mom.
- on January 7, 2010
Great job Marcus !! I look forward to your next masterpiece . Can you draw a picture of your dog ? See you soon .Your grandpa.
- on December 31, 2009
Marcus cool art work. Love Mom
- on November 24, 2009
Marcus I like your sunflower with the clouds in the background. Love Mom.
- on November 23, 2009
Hi Marcus !! I like your art work. I hope you do some more. ( : Grandpa
- on November 23, 2009
geat art work
- on November 23, 2009