Haleigh, there are so many of your works I like. Keep up the good work! Love you!! -- Sally
- on January 9, 2011
Haleigh, I like your latest artwork. If it is turned on it's right side, I can see a river and mountains and trees --maybe the Grand Canyon -- I like it a lot. Keep up the good work! Love, helen -- Helen
- on May 14, 2010
Haleigh keep up the good work, it's great to see your artwork being displayed on the internet. I will be watching for more of your good art to come. Love Nana -- linda nana
- on April 10, 2010
I like your latest work. -- Jean
- on April 10, 2010
Haleigh your artwork is beautiful! Thanks for sharing it with me. I love you!
- on March 6, 2010
Haleigh, Love the Artwork. Great job ...... Keep up the good work. Love, Linda & Bobby
- on January 14, 2010
Dear Haleigh, Grandma and Grandpa think your pictures are wonderful and very creative. Keep up the excellent work. We are so proud of you. Love you! Grandma and Grandpa Bulau
- on January 14, 2010
Your "Optical Illusions" shows real talent and imagination. I like it alot.