Briana1609's Comments (18)

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Below are comments about Briana1609's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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-- Diane
- on October 11, 2018
I have always been pleased with my granddaughters artwork & this is no exception. My husband will be so excited with the coffee mug. I Loved my t-shirt & the book marks. This is such a great program & she has come so far. Thank you for the Artsonia site.
-- Diane
- on October 11, 2018
Briana had no trouble with the concept of different size circles torn from paper, but was reluctant to mix and match the colors. After so many times working to "match", this seemed to be one more opportunity.
- Amy (teacher at West Central School) on October 22, 2014
Briana had no trouble making choices in the foam stickers, but was reluctant to add ink and "ruin" the composition.
- Amy (teacher at West Central School) on October 22, 2014
Briana worked almost independently on this project. She really enjoys painting and worked well with the watercolors. She understood the concept behind adding string and was not reluctant to add this element. Her glue placement was spot on!
- Amy (teacher at West Central School) on October 22, 2014
Bri enjoys art immensely and seems eager to get right to work. I look forward to her coming to the artroom so that I can share her enthusiasm!
-- Amy
- on October 11, 2018
Bri completed this project almost independently. She only needed a few verbal cues to tell her what was needed for her to do.
- Amy (teacher at West Central School) on November 13, 2013
Briana, You are Awesome and I love your artwork.
-- Terry
- on October 29, 2013
Brianna was not present when the clay germs were made, so she created this cartoon version on glazing day.
- Amy (teacher at West Central School) on October 25, 2013
bring, your painting is awesome! I think it looks like a man running.
-- L ori
- on May 18, 2011
Love the painting, great job Bri! My little artist. Love you! Robin
-- Robin
- on May 18, 2011
Bri I know I am bias being your Grandma and all but you just keep getting better and better with your art and of course that just makes me prouder and prouder. Your skills are outstanding. I appreciate the work that the Teachers are doing with you and You already know how my hear swells everytime I see you. I love you with all my heart. Grandma
-- Di
- on May 18, 2011
Briana I love all of your artwork! I picked this one because of all the green lol! But auntie loves you with all of her heart and am so very proud of you! But not surprised because I already knew you would do something extraordinary!:) I love you auntie`s baby! Love Auntie
-- Karen
- on June 11, 2010
Bri I absolutely am your number 1 fan, I'm GRANDMA. I have looked at your art everyday and bragged to all of my co-workers who remembered you from day one and followed your progress. You have made all of us so Proud. I went a little "nuts" ordering and I am not done buts ok it is helping the school and me too. We are all so Blessed and the Lord continues to Bless us everyday with His goodness. You continue to do your Art and and all the other wonderful things that you are doing. I LOVE YOU. GRANDMA
-- Diane
- on May 11, 2010
Briana - Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. You are a wonderful artist!!
-- Shannon
- on April 19, 2010
Briana, I love your art work. It is so different and far more advanced then other artist your age! Continue your growth in the art community and know that you are great! With all of my love and support! Aunt Sherri
-- sherri
- on April 19, 2010
Bri Bri Your aunt Cheryl didnt know that you were so talented! You make a Auntie Proud!!
-- Cheryl
- on April 19, 2010
The Artwork is outstanding. Very nice!!
-- Jason
- on April 19, 2010