Alexander1291's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Alexander1291's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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good job this..
-- Mom
- on April 17, 2011
Good job it...mommy. Thank you for making this art.
-- Lilia
- on February 18, 2011
alex ....your art is cool ......can you get me one coolllllll .....and awesome ........... love Russel
-- Russel
- on December 29, 2010
Alex...your art is awesome.....good job.....Dad
-- Avelino
- on December 29, 2010
Brother ....I like the square shape......can you make one for you... Axle
-- Axle
- on December 29, 2010
Alexander....nice work ...mommy love it...
-- Lilia
- on December 29, 2010
Alex, This is really nice art...Good job..Mommy
-- Lilia
- on December 21, 2010
Alexander, This is look like a star fish swimming in the ocean....I love it. Love, Daddy
-- Avelino
- on November 22, 2010
Dear Brother, You did amazing art. Can you make one for me? Love, Axle
-- Axle
- on November 22, 2010
Dear Alex, I love your art work...falling tree. nice job... Love mommy
-- Lilia
- on November 6, 2010
Hi Alex, I like your pattern big square and small square. I like your pattern green and purple. I like you........ Love, Mom
-- Lilia
- on October 26, 2010
Hi Alex, Letter A start my name too...Avelino...I like your artbwork. Love, Dad
-- Avelino
- on October 25, 2010
Hi Alex, Nice patern you made... Love, Dad
-- Avelino
- on October 25, 2010
Alex, I love your art........ Love, mamgmang
-- Marcelina
- on October 25, 2010
I like your art start with my name too Axle... Cooooool letter AAAAAA brother.... Axle
-- Axle
- on October 25, 2010
Nice Job Alex...I like that letter A start with your name Alexander...
-- Lilia
- on October 25, 2010
brother your art is coooooollllllllll. keep up the good work..... Axle
-- Axle
- on October 18, 2010
Is that you Alex? nice mamang
-- Mamang
- on October 1, 2010
I love it. Keep up the good job.
-- Avelino
- on October 1, 2010
I love your art mamang
-- Marcelina
- on October 1, 2010
beautiful art Alexander......
-- Lilia
- on September 30, 2010
Hi Alex, Great job! I love it. Were proud of you. Daddy will love this. Mom
-- Lilia
- on September 30, 2010
Hi Alexander, You did a good job! Keep up the good work. Love, Mommy
-- Lilia
- on September 30, 2010