Camryn363's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Camryn363's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Camryn, this picture is amazing! I am so proud of you and your artistic abilities.
-- Dianne
- on November 2, 2015
Camryn, I love your artwork as much as I love you! You do a wonderful job. Love, Grandma Dianne
-- Dianne
- on November 2, 2015
Camryn, I love this picture. You do such amazing artwork. I am very proud of you and proud to be your Grandma!
-- Dianne
- on November 2, 2015
Camryn: I love this picture! You are a wonderful artist, but you also have a great sense of humor! I am very proud of you.
-- Dianne
- on November 2, 2015
This is beautiful. I love your use of color!
-- Grandma Dianne
- on November 2, 2015
Your art work is always so good. I am very proud of you.
-- Dianne
- on November 2, 2015
I agree with Raina, Camryn would be a GREAT art teacher!
-- Mrs.Morris
- on April 12, 2010
Hi Camryn I like your artwork it would be a good idea to be an art teacher because you are so good at it.
-- Raina
- on April 9, 2010
Hi camryn this is Raina I have been on my laptop a long time and when I was on artsonia I loved your artwork .
-- Raina
- on April 9, 2010
I like all your artwork but the best one is the ducks it looks like they are kissing each other.
- on April 9, 2010