This is really beautiful. It looks like people dancing in the sunset. The colors look like sherbet!! -- Aunt Pinney
- on December 12, 2012
This is beautiful. You are a ray of sunshine in my life. Your friend, Mrs. Melody -- melody
- on November 13, 2011
I love your picture of the sun. She is so pretty, just like you. You are a very talented girl. Love, Mrs. Melody -- Melody
- on October 16, 2011
I love the picture of the sun. Pretty soon winter will be here and we won't have too much sun up north so I will be glad to have this picture to remind me of the summer time. Love Aunt Pinney. -- Aunt Pinney
- on October 16, 2011
Hi Chelsea, What a great job on your pictures. I think you got great grandma Toffolo's talents. Keep up the the great work. Love Grandpa -- Richard
- on October 13, 2011
What a good picture - you have done a wonderful job. I love being able to see your artwork. -- Aunt Pinney
- on May 9, 2011
Hi Chelsea - I used some of your note cards - one to Aunt Pinny and one to Granny up in South Bend. They were both very excited to get them- and they recognized Hootie!! Please tell your art teacher that this site is SO much fun! i am so glad St. Joseph's has this plan. Love, Grandma -- Grandma
- on January 12, 2011
I love the giraffe eating the leaves. What a good job you did with this picture. I am glad to hear the giraffe and the lion are friends. -- Aunt P
- on December 5, 2010
Hi Chelsea - I love your drawing! Purple is such a pretty color and you did such a nice, neat job. I loved seeing all your art and will check back soon for more! Love from Grandma -- Suzanne
- on December 1, 2010
This is such a nice picture of Hootie. He sure looks happy dreaming about eating a fish. I am so glad I can see the pictures you make. Great job! -- Aunt Pinney