Emily10064's Comments (31)

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Below are comments about Emily10064's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Emily! (m and m) :) I was just cheking my emails and saw that it said you put new artwork on artsonia. All your art is just wonderful I admire your self portrait, all the things you wrote about yourself are definently true!:) Have a wonderful year!!!
-- Mary-kate W.
- on October 31, 2010
Love Your Painting! Great Job!
-- Grandma
- on May 17, 2010
Love Your Painting, Emily! Great Job!
-- Grandma
- on May 17, 2010
This 'might' be my favorite one yet...not sure, tough to say, as they are all wonderful...just something about this one I really like more than the others...kind of an Austin flair to it...Groovy Baby...Yea!
-- Dad
- on April 18, 2010
Emily, is the name of the boat "scott"? I enlarged it on my screen and i think that is what it says, of course, I will wait until you give me the original print to fully verify. Yea me!!! Maybe you and Papa can get together and work on a project...you can sketch out a face, and he can carve it? Maybe that will be a summer project? Great job on all your art work.
-- Dad
- on April 18, 2010
Hey Em, Please start signing and dating your beautiful artwork like a true artist does! Love every single one of these! Love you, Mommy
- on April 18, 2010
Em, I want to be on this boat!!! Is that a dolphin I see in the water? Nice job. We'll have to show these wonderful paintings to Uncle Teddy.
-- Mommy
- on April 18, 2010
Em, I LOVE it!!! Such great colors, and I love the way it is all put together!
-- Mom
- on April 18, 2010
hi Emily!thanks for comenting my work!urs is cool too.mary-kate
- on January 22, 2010
WOW!!! This is a fantastic drawing. You are an artist just like your Uncle Teddy. I love the sunshine peeking in through the corner of the window, and you were so creative with the patterns on the vase. I think I might have a new favorite picture! Love, Mommy
- on January 6, 2010
Emily, honey - I smile so BIG whenever I look at this picture! I LOVE it SO much!
- on January 6, 2010
Oh Emily, this is absolutely beautiful! I love sunflowers. It reminds me of the painting that Uncle Ted made for me one Mother's day, with yellow flowers. Grandma K.
- on January 6, 2010
Dear Emily, Thank you for your gift of wonderful art. I always love to see your new pictures. Remember when we started to make stars? Yours is better than Nana's,now. Love you, Hugs Hugs Nana
- on December 14, 2009
Em, Yes, Family Days! We love those, don't we? I wonder what we were doing on this particular day. Looks like maybe we were taking a walk together? I love Daddy's pants - he usually wears blue ones, doesn't he? Thank you for sharing this one! Mommy
- on December 13, 2009
Emily, This is so beautiful! It reminds me of Austin Powers! I love the colors that you chose for this piece of art work. Mommy
- on December 13, 2009
What a beautiful sunset, Emily! I love watching sunsets. Love, Grandma K
- on December 13, 2009
Em, I LOVE this! Great job. You really point out the dangers of smoking by showing a house on fire! That certainly IS a big danger with smoking! It took a lot of time to color in all of that blue sky. Good job,honey. Mommy
- on December 11, 2009
Hi Emily. Great Poster. Beautiful drawing. Love, Grandma Koziol.
- on December 10, 2009
Emily, How great it is to see your artwork this way. You always liked to draw and color. Excellent themed picture I can't wait to see more when your drawings are posted here. Thank you for sharing. Love Papa
- on December 10, 2009
Hi Em! Great new drawing!! I really like the colors you picked for this picture. The fire hydrant is so cute! Love Aunt Con
- on December 9, 2009
i like your art i will see you at school
- on December 1, 2009
Emily, congratulations on your art award! I'm so proud of you. I'm very happy to be able to share your art work. Look forward to seeing more. Love, Grandma Koziol.
- on November 20, 2009
Emily!! I'm so proud of you! Your really taking after your Uncle Teddy!! Keep dreaming and creating your artwork, it's so beautiful when it comes to life on paper! Love, Aunt Con
- on November 20, 2009
Emily, I just saw your beautiful art work. I'm so happy that you're going to be able to share your art with me! Keep up the great job! Love, Grandma K.
- on November 15, 2009
Emily, We always look forward to your visits. NOW we have all your wonderful art to see always. You have become more of an artist each year. How you have grown.. thank you for making your art available for purchase. What I bought I will use everyday... Love Papa
- on November 9, 2009
Dear Emily Thank you for your wonderful gift of art. Each piece we ordered, we will enjoy and think of you. Love you, Nana
- on November 9, 2009
Emily, The Pow-Wow was quite an event. Thank you for teaching Mom and I about the Indians and how they lived. I am so happy that we now have the items that you wore because like you, they are beautiful.
- on November 8, 2009
Mom and I are both so proud of your artwork. Since you were born, you have created hundreds of special pieces that we have cherished, and now using this site, we can create lasting mementos. Keep up the good work, and don't ever lose your creativity!
- on November 8, 2009
Hi Emily, I just LOVE this picture of our family. Keep making this beautiful artwork! I appreciate you sharing it with us. THis looks like a very happy family!!! I especially like that you included puppy in this family picture. Love you LOTS, Mommy
- on November 8, 2009
Hi Emily, I just saw your artwork andI love it! I'm so glad that we were able to vccome tothe Pow Wow to see you wear this wonderful piece of work! Love you, Mommy
- on November 8, 2009
i like your artwork emily from,anna
- on November 8, 2009