Hi Emily, Very nice! Love your fans. Perfect colors for background you have chosen. Keep up the good work. xoxo Nana & Gramps -- Isobel
- on October 23, 2010
Dear Emmy Your picture reminds me of Fall in CT. Can't wait to see you on our cruise Love Grandma -- Nancy
- on October 12, 2010
Hi Emily, Love your origami swan! Making origami figures can be so much fun. You have done a wonderful job. Nice going! Much love, Nana & Gramps xoxo -- Isobel
- on October 12, 2010
Hello Emily, Very Beautiful colors in your "Fall Leaf." Keep up the good work. We look forward to looking at all your artwork. Love you, Nana & Gramps xoxo -- Isobel
- on September 26, 2010
Love your lady puppet, Emily! GREAT COLOR CHOICE IN HAIR COLOR> LOVE HER CURLS xoxo Nana and Gramps xoxo -- Isobel
- on September 12, 2010
Dear Emily, We absolutely love "Oodles and Doodles." You have used beautiful bright colors which give us a very Happy feeling. Great Artwork! Nana & Grandpa xoxo -- Isobel
- on September 12, 2010
Dear Emily, You're going to have to explain this one to me the next time we see you. Love the cool colors you chose. xoxo Nana -- Isobel
- on September 12, 2010
Very original picture using beans, Emily. Better hide those beans, though, or Grandpa will make more soup! :) :) xoxo Nana -- Isobel
Emily, I think this is beautiful. When you brought it home the other day, I thought it would be great to frame it and put it in your room! xxoo Mom -- kelly
- on April 1, 2010
Hello Emily. Love your picture of The Sound. Colors are very pretty and we see a buoy or lobster marker floating in the waves. Are we correct? Your turtles are GREAT ! xoxo Nana & Grandpa -- Isobel
- on April 1, 2010
Emily, Awesome picture! I love the different color blues of the ocean and the sky! Love the turtle and your other sea creatures too! xxoo Mom -- kelly
Emily, Your Aztec Turtle is wonderful! Love the colors you chose. xoxo Nana & Grandpa -- Isobel
- on March 25, 2010
Hi Emily. Really love this drawing. It displays your message about the importance of wearing your seat belt very well. Love the colors you chose. Keep up the Great work! xoxo Nana & Grandpa
- on February 6, 2010
Emily, What a great picture! I love the car. You are really a great artist! You are right. It is VERY important to always wear a seatbelt! xxoo Mom
- on January 21, 2010
Emily, Your cards are very beautiful. We love you too. Thank you Nana & Grandpa xoxo
- on December 24, 2009
Very Beautiful, Emily. The colors you chose are so PERFECT. xoxo Nana & Grandpa
- on December 20, 2009
A very BEAUTIFUL Christmas Tree, Emily. Absolutely Perfect! Thank you. Nana & Grandpa xoxo
- on December 15, 2009
Dear Emmy We love your Christmas tree. Best one we have seen so far. Love you Gram and Papa
- on December 1, 2009
Hi Emily, Love the soft colors you chose. A beautiful Christmas Tree! You can almost see it sparkle. xoxo Nana and Gramps
- on November 26, 2009
A very Elegant turkey using Beautiful colors, Emily. The colors you chose are PERFECT! Very artistic. xoxo Nana & Grandpa
- on November 26, 2009
The Queen of all Turkeys in her bright Red Feathers and Golden Crown!. Super, Emily. xoxo Nana & Grandpa
- on November 26, 2009
Dear Emmy I love your turkeys especially the one with the crown. Happy Thanksgiving. Love you Gramma
- on November 26, 2009
Emily, The M&M's stayed on! Hooray! And nobody ate them yet! Terrific! xxoo Mom
- on November 17, 2009
Emily, Beautiful red turkey! Love the feathers! xxoo Mom
- on November 13, 2009
Wow Emily! This is wonderful! xxoo Mom
- on November 7, 2009
Love your beautiful turkey, Emily. Wonderful colors! Great artwork. xoxo Nana
- on November 7, 2009
Hello Emily, We love your artwork! The colors you chose are perfect, and your sun is beautiful. The pumpkin is a great still life. We'll look forward to seeing more. xoxo Nana
- on November 9, 2009
Hi Emily! I love this picture! You are a super artist! xxoo Mom