Alyssa4449's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Alyssa4449's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Congratulations on your artwork on Artsonia. Mrs. Pfeifer
-- Mrs. Pfeifer
- on November 28, 2012
Congratulations on your artwork on Artsonia. Mrs. Pfeifer
-- Mrs. Pfeifer
- on November 28, 2012
Great Job!!
-- Mom
- on January 21, 2012
Great job Alyssa!! Mom
-- Jenny
- on October 27, 2010
You are quite the artist..This is a really good job.. I LOVE YOU..Nana
-- Phyllis
- on October 4, 2010
Alyssa the poket looks colorful. Is it to hold all Nana and Grampy's good wishes and love for you? Love Grampy
-- Grampy
- on October 3, 2010
Great Job Alyssa, drwaing a picture from a "mistake". Mama
- on November 20, 2009