Tanner your sculpture is beautiful - I love the colors of flowers and the base. Nice Job!!!!! -- Nana & Poppy
- on May 3, 2017
This turned out great! Awesome. -- Dad
- on January 20, 2017
I love lighthouses. Nice job Tanner! -- Dad
- on November 16, 2016
Tanner - This is so nice. It is as you described it! Really like the colors and the shape of the cup and the handle just look so perfect! Nice Job! -- Nana & Poppy
- on November 16, 2016
Tanner - this is beautiful - nice work!!! -- Nana & Poppy
- on October 20, 2016
Nice job Tanner! -- Dad
- on October 19, 2016
Nice work Tanner! -- Daddy
- on December 31, 2014
Great job Tanner! Love the color. -- Daddy
- on March 26, 2014
I love this Tanner - does he have a name? The feathers are really neat! Nana -- Nana
- on June 15, 2013
Congratulations on your artwork being on Artsonia. Mrs. Pfeifer -- Mrs. Pfeifer
- on October 23, 2012
Dear Tanner: I so do like this piece! it reminds me of a star fish - but I'm thinking that is a leaf peaking out underneath - am I wrong?. I love the colors. Will you be doing more art work this summer? We love you - Nana & Papa -- Mary