Kendall839's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Kendall839's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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KENDALL JORGENSEN ! What a name! Great art! Also loved your reading news article! Your art ability and reading comprehension will benefit you for your lifetime. You are a hard worker and it shows! Love ya, so much! Grandma, Susanp
-- Grandma Susan
- on May 22, 2015
KJ Does you recent piece of art have a name? I like your spider web. This would be a good design for a coffee mug. What do the other things in your art work mean? Is there a face? You should go online and see the other art work from your school. It is all so fun to see. Have a good day and keep up the great art work. Grandma Susan
-- Susan
- on April 11, 2011
Your 'germ' reminds me of a piece or art work just like that which Syd did in school. I liked hers and I like yours very much. I hope you are enjoying your art classes this year. Keep up the good work and I will see you soon. Love, Grandma Susan
-- Susan
- on November 15, 2010
Kendall, I am delighted to be able to view your latest art work. I love the many colors you used and that you created your very own design. I always look at your art work and enjoy each piece as being so unique. I hope to see you soon. Love, Grandm'a Susan
-- Grandm'a Susan
- on October 14, 2010
I cannot remember ever doing circle weaving. When I see you next I would like you to tell me how you did your weaving. It shows depth and I like your colors. How often do you have art class? I love you and am so proud of your school work this year. Call me sometime and play another song for me. Love, Grandma Susan
-- Susan
- on October 12, 2010
Kendall you did an amazing job on all your sea animals. My favorite sea animal was the jellyfish because I did a jellyfish when I was in kindergarten too! Love, Sydney
-- Sydney
- on October 12, 2010
Kendall, your picture reminds me of Grandpa Dan's farm. I see a pond, corn fields, silo, barn and a cat. I really really like your art. Send me a picture. Love, Grandma Susan
- on February 8, 2010