Gage827's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Gage827's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Gage, I really like your heart artwork. It is very cool. Keep up the good work and continue to submit those art pictures. Love, Grandma Ginny
-- Ginny
- on May 19, 2011
Gage, I am very pleased with your new art display. It is very creative. Grandma will have to check in to purchasing something from the Artsonia store. Keep up the great work and publish more art pieces for all of us to see. Love, Grandma Ginny
-- Ginny
- on May 19, 2011
Gage, I really like the way you colored around your name. It makes for a very interesting art piece. Keep up the good work with all of your art projects. Love you. Grandma
-- Ginny
- on May 19, 2011
Wow Gage! I love this painting! You are going to have to paint something for Aunt Slimie sometime!
-- Justina
- on May 24, 2010
Gage I love your Greek Vase! I can't wait to see it in person! Love you!
-- Justina
- on May 15, 2010
Gager, Watch this summer when you go to Grandma and Grandpa's house because you may be able to see a luna moth there! I have seen a few myself before! Love you Aunt Slimie
-- Justina
- on May 12, 2010
Hi Gage I am Aunt Slimie's friend Nikki! I was wondering if sometime I could borrow a tissue because your tissues are really soft! I hate getting snot on my hands! Nikki
-- Nikki
- on May 12, 2010
I love your 3D guy buddy! Hope your last few weeks of school is good see you soon! Love You Aunt Slimie
-- Justina
- on May 12, 2010
Gage, I just saw your new artwork call Lunar Moth. Very good likeness. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to seeing more. Love you,
-- Ginny
- on April 9, 2010