Jayden615's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Jayden615's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great Job Jayden!!! Shannon and I are so proud of you. Keep up your good work Dave and Shannon Martin
-- Dave
- on May 1, 2013
Hey Jayden ... good use of colors! Love always, Auntie Joce
-- Jocelyn
- on May 1, 2013
Nice dog Jaden! He reminds me of Tory. Did he inspire you? Keep up the good work!
-- Shawn
- on April 17, 2013
Great use of colors Jayden
-- Shawn
- on January 16, 2013
Hi Jayden ... I love the vibrant colors you used in your artwork :-) Keep up the good work!
-- Jocelyn
- on August 22, 2012
Jayden, Very artistic. Thanks for sharing. I really like this!
-- Glen
- on April 2, 2012
Hi Jayden: Another great "Jayden" original! Love the rainbow. You're quite the artist. It's been a long time since we've seen you and we miss you, Kayla and your parents a whole lot. love you,
-- BeBe Kathi (Grandma) & Grandpa
- on April 2, 2012
Hi Jayden, All of your work is awesome. We miss you! We have heard you are growing up way to fast. Say hello to everyone in your family. Love, Glen and Cindy
-- Cindy
- on March 31, 2012
Nice Job Jayden! I enjoy the beautiful colors that you chose. Say Hey to Y'all! (southern talk I learned)
-- Glen
- on March 31, 2012
Hi Jaden, We miss you and your family. I liked this picture the best. You do wonderful art work. Say hello to everyone for us. Love you all
-- Cindy
- on November 12, 2011
Hey Jayden, The other pictures were great! But, this one is even greater! I really like it. Jehovah has given you a precious gift. Keep up the good work! Say Hi to your Mom and Dad and Sis.... Glen
-- Glen
- on October 12, 2011
What beautiful colors! What a GREAT picture! Keep up the good work! Love Charles, Alicia, and Baby Alison.
-- Alicia
- on October 11, 2011
Jayden, that is an awesome picture! Good colors. You have a lot of talent. Keep up the great work!!
-- Shawn
- on October 10, 2011
WOW Jayden, you're becoming a GREAT little artist. That's a really neat boat! Keep up the good work :-)
-- Sis Pate
- on October 9, 2011
Good job Jayden!!! Shannon and I are very proud of you. Keep making Jehovah's heart happy. Dave and Shannon Martin
-- David
- on October 9, 2011
Hey Jayden, Very nice job on both of these! Keep up the good work and continue to put Jehovah first as your parents have taught you. Hope to see you soon. Glen
-- Glen
- on October 9, 2011
Hey Jayden ... Wow, what depth and ingenuity and a good use of colors and shapes! We're all proud of you and your artistic abilities! ... Uncle Greg & Aunt Joce
-- Jocelyn
- on October 16, 2010
GREAT JOB JAYDEN!!! Keep up the great work!!! I love the colors!
-- Alicia
- on October 16, 2010
I love the artwork Jayden. It looks just like dad :)
-- brooke
- on October 16, 2010
WOW Jayden what an awesome picture! You are becoming quite the artist, keep up the good work! We Love You . . . The Pate Gang!
-- Deidre
- on October 16, 2010
Dear Jayden, I work with your daddy. He knows I like to know how you are doing. I just love your art work. You are very talented. Lauretta
- on November 19, 2009
WOW, you have talent! We love the cat, especially his color (my favorite). We hope you keep on making beautiful pictures. We miss you. Love, Carol & Jason
- on November 1, 2009
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE!!!! We can't wait until we get our very own Jayden Original! Great Job!!! Charles and Alicia
- on October 28, 2009
Hey Tank, That is one cool cat! The colors are awesome, just like your skills. I always knew you had talent. Keep up the good work.
- on October 28, 2009
Jayden, Your art is amazing! Job very well done. Please keep up the good work. We are all so proud of you.
- on October 24, 2009
Wow!!! What a great picture of a cat. I look forward to seeing more of your artwork. Please keep us updated on your next showing. Michael, Debbie and Mikey
- on October 24, 2009
Hi Jayden, just saw your cat. I love it!!!!!!! The colors are beautiful. Your blue says WOW :). Keep it up. Art is a wonderful thing. I too love to paint, yes Marc that's true. I should show you all my blue butterfly. Of course Jayden's may be better. Keep encouraging him. Keep up the good work Jayden. We love you and your wonderful art. Aunt Ruthie.
- on October 25, 2009
great work Jayden. hope to see more in the near future
- on October 23, 2009
Hi Jayden, Beautiful Cat! What a nice surprise to get. This is wonderful. My Justin use to like to draw all the time. Keep up the good work. I miss working with you in service. Love to you and your family, Glen and Cindy
- on October 22, 2009
Jayden, this is amazing artwork. You are very talented! Congratulations...Damaris & John
- on October 22, 2009
Congratulations Jayden on your masterpiece! What a great looking cat, and I love the background too. Keep up the good work. Freida
- on October 22, 2009
Way To Go Jayden!!!! What a cool cat, just the kind mommy and daddy would LOVE to have. Keep up the good work. Deidre
- on October 21, 2009
Jayden, I think your artwork has financial value. The coloring is dynamic. The cat is purrr-fect. The background is unique. Finally, it is an original. Let's talk! I'll have my people, call your people! LOL. "Grandma" and "Grandpa" Monk
- on October 21, 2009
Uncle Jim & Aunt Nina Johnson saw your artwork & are pretty impressed!!! Keep up the Good Work, maybe you'll teach us something we can use in Paradise...We Love You!
- on October 21, 2009
Very good job Jayden. Shannon and I are very proud of you. Continue to make your parents and Jehovah happy!! Dave and Shannon
- on October 21, 2009
Great Job, Jayden!!! You are a true artist. - Patricia
- on October 21, 2009
- on October 21, 2009
Jayden nice job and congrats,
- on October 21, 2009
Jayden - what a great picture! I love it! Daddy's friend, Josephine
- on October 21, 2009
Wow! What a terrific cat! That's a cat I would love to have in my house. (hint! hint!) Your parents must be so proud of you! I would love for you to create a piece of art for your dear, old, grampa someday. :)
- on October 21, 2009
Look!!!! He drew Ceasar!!!!! :D Nate II
- on October 21, 2009
Great Job Jayden!!!! I love the cat, and all the colors on its feet and tail. We are proud of you.
- on October 21, 2009
Congratulations! You did a great job!
- on October 21, 2009