Breyana15's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Breyana15's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good job! I enjoy looking at your art work, you are so creative
-- Shannon
- on November 11, 2011
U r doing so well in art. I am so proud of you.
-- Shannon(mom)
- on November 7, 2010
I love your pumpkins !! You show that you have a great talent.
-- Susie
- on October 13, 2010
You just keep getting better and better!! Love you, Susie
-- Susie
- on April 8, 2010
You are really showing a lot of imagination and you are very creative. You are the next Picasso. I love you Susie
-- Susie
- on March 17, 2010
Great pictures Breyana!!! Love you Bubba and Nanna!!
-- Bubba
- on March 17, 2010
I love this picture,you did such a great job. I love you
-- Shannon
- on March 3, 2010
Hi baby, I love your snowman. I love all your pictures but so far this is my favorite. I love you too and hope to see you soon, if I can stay in town. Love you baby. Papa
-- Papa
- on February 16, 2010
This is my most favorite piece of your art work !!! I can't wait to see more. Love you always.
-- Susie
- on February 16, 2010
Breyana I am so proud of you. Your artwork always lifts my spirits. Love you.
-- Shannon
- on February 9, 2010
I am so proud of you.Your pictures show great imagination.
- on November 22, 2009