Sam3220's Comments (10)

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Below are comments about Sam3220's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job on your "S" Sam! You are quite an artist!
-- Darlene
- on April 20, 2010
I love your wire sculpture! The blue and green feathers are so colorful and attractive and add so much to the art work. You do a wonderful job with art -- you are one special young man!!!
-- Darlene
- on February 26, 2010
I love your collage, Sam! It is really neat - I especially like the jet flying over the city!!! Once again, you did a wonderful job!!!
-- Darlene
- on February 26, 2010
I LOVE your surreal collage, Sam. It's wild and whacky! :-) Love, Miss Cole
-- Vanessa
- on February 21, 2010
I love your city using torn paper. Your buildings look so real with all the windows. I also like the different colors and the one building that has a pointed top. You have a great imagination. I love your art work!!! I also just noticed your mosaic. It is really pretty as well!!! I'm having a hard time deciding which pictures to put on our refrigerator!!!
- on February 2, 2010
What a wonderful snow picture! You certainly paint beautiful pictures!!! I love how it is snowing on the trees - and I think the snowman really adds a very special touch to your art work. It makes me want some snow!!! Once again, an outstanding piece of artwork by an outstanding artist - Sam!!!
- on January 29, 2010
What a wonderful picture of you, Sam! You are such a good artist and Papa and I were excited to see another of your pictures on this website. We are very proud of you and the fine job you do!!! Keep up the great work!!!
- on January 12, 2010
This is such a great picture, Sam. It looks like something I would see hanging in an art gallery!!! The handprint you included really shows creative thinking. I love the colors - perfect for cave paintings!!! Wonderful job, Sam!!
- on October 27, 2009
I really like the way you laid these out, Sam. Great job! Miss Cole
- on October 25, 2009
- on October 13, 2009