This cave art is fantastic! It looks so real. You did such a wonderful job on it and you keep getting better and better...keep up the good work! -- Cokey
- on December 14, 2011
Very impressive Nicolas! I like your Mona Lisa even more than the original one! This is really fantastic! -- Cokey
- on December 3, 2012
I am so impressed with your "Egyptian Cartouche"! We should go on a trip to Egypt one day. It would be such a fun trip! I love you habibi! -- Cokey
- on November 3, 2010
Nicolas, the art you create is very beautiful. You are a very talented young man and you are my favorite artist! Keep up the good work. I hope to see your art in a museum one day! -- Cokey
- on June 14, 2010
Bravo Nicolas! You are a very creative and talented artist! love, Erica -- Erica
- on April 23, 2010
Nicolas, this is one of your best art work. It really is should be framed and displayed. -- Cokey
- on April 9, 2010
WOW Nicolas! This is SO beautiful! You are becoming such a good artist. I love you habibi!!! -- Cokey
- on April 9, 2010
Dear Nicolas: You are an amazing artist and wonderful boy. I love you with all my heart. Love, Teta -- Teta
- on February 20, 2010
This artwork is nifty!
- on December 10, 2009
You are a wonderful artist! Love, Teta
- on December 10, 2009
Nicolas you are a wonderful artist! I loved your drawings. You are a wonderful boy and I love you very much!
- on November 30, 2009
Congratulations Nicolas!!! Your artwork is fantastic and we are so proud of you!