I LOVE IT! You did awesome Ashley. I believe you have the natural talent of an artist. Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!!! LOOVVVVE YOUUUUUU -- Aunt Dayna
- on May 7, 2010
Good morning Ashley. Gorgeous cardinal. I love his bright red head. I think he's on his way to church. The green rainbow is awesome. Are those Easter Eggs that the Easter bunny hid? Love you. Aunt Dayna. PS. Keep up the great work! -- Dayna
- on May 7, 2010
Ashley, This is the cutest lion I have ever seen!!!! Way to go...keep up the good work. Love you, Gram -- Gram Kay
- on March 5, 2010
Hey girl! Your lion is so cute. He/She looks like they're thinking about something. Good job. Maybe it's a girl lion and she's thinking about which pink outfit to wear to a party! LOL Love Aunt Dayna
- on February 4, 2010
Hey precious. This is an awesome picture of Santa Claus. Keep up the great work. Love Aunt Dayna
- on February 4, 2010
Ashley, your art is awesome. I think the duck is doing the back stroke. I better not find him in my pool. Love Aunt Dayna