Joy237's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Joy237's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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JOY!!!! Again. Your artwork is always amazing. The timing of when I see it is amazing too! Let's just say that I had just gotten home from a place that had a space theme that was a creative stretch to have such a theme when I checked my email and saw your artwork on a day when I got to get a hug from you... I miss meeting with you, but I am more than happy to report that we still seem to live on a common thread! lol! You might need to re read that run on sentence a few times...
-- Kate
- on December 17, 2014
I really like the vibrant colors and the "shooting" stars.
-- Juanita
- on November 19, 2014
Mmmmmmmm... Chocolate! :)
-- Kate
- on November 9, 2013
I love this one! I see you made this one 2 years ago. Old to you, but new and exciting for my eyes! It is so whimsical!
-- Kate
- on November 9, 2013
I just came in from a walk. It is so cold! I love it that the first piece of art I see is a nice warm cup of hot chocolate! Your picture made me smile and it warmed my heart better than a real cup of hot chocolate. :) Hot Chocolate still sounds good, so I am going to make some now! hahahahahaha...
-- Kate
- on February 13, 2013
That is wildly beautiful. You are becoming a very good artist!
-- Dave
- on February 13, 2013
We love your artwork. Keep it up!!
-- David
- on May 14, 2011
I Love the RICH colors in your landscape painting!
-- Juanita
- on April 18, 2011
I really love your "Starry Night" picture! It reminds me of a famous artist..can you tell me his name? Maybe you have been studying about his work. He has some more beautiful pieces of art. One of my favorites is his Iris picture. Have you seen it?
-- Juanita
- on November 13, 2010
I LOVE your art work! Everything is so colorful. Keep up the good work. You're a good artist like your daddy.
-- Dave
- on October 14, 2010
Cool cat Joy! The sharp claws is what i like best. I like how the mouse looks too. What about those spots? It's....AWSOME! charlie
-- Charlie
- on October 6, 2010
Great Job!! I Love all your beautiful artwork! Love Grandma
- on March 23, 2010
Nice piggy picture Joy! Love, Daddy
- on March 23, 2010
Joy, What a wonderful picture. I like all the art projects. Love, Papa Miller
- on December 14, 2009