I love this mask. You did an amazing job. I saw it on display at OHS. I was very proud to say that my granddaughter Leigha made it. Keep up the great work. -- Judy
- on May 31, 2017
I like this bird. Reminds me of a starling. -- Barbara
- on May 31, 2017
I am your third cousin. Your Grandpa Is my uncle Jim. When I picked this art piece it showed me beautiful jewelry I old buy, but you should get some of the money. Your mom can message me on Facebook. -- Barbara
- on May 31, 2017
I love how you put the colors together and the shapes rounding off the corners. -- Barbara
- on May 31, 2017
Leigha, I have been looking at your artwork, each time a new one is published, and have watched your skills improve with each one. I look forward to viewing every single one of your creations. This latest one is my all time favorite and I love everything about it! You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the good work. Patty -- Patty
- on April 5, 2017
Once again, you make me want to get out my colored pencils and get to work. Very unique and symmetrical. Love it!! -- Helen
- on April 5, 2017
Another cool design -- great work! -- Helen
- on March 8, 2017
This is sooooooo cool, Leigha! It's such an optical illusion - I feel like I'm looking down into a box - this is amazing!! You did a fantastic job! -- Helen
- on March 8, 2017
VERY nice, Leigha!! Your mask is one I've been looking at in the hallway thinking how cute it was! Should have known it was done by my favorite artist! -- Helen
- on November 16, 2016
Very sweet, Leigha! Love your colors and design. -- Helen
- on November 2, 2016
I think these are so cool -- I love walking down the hall and seeing all of the kids' names done up like this. Yours is so cute -- love the fries ... but now I'm hungry.... lol -- Helen
- on October 12, 2016
Just found my next computer screen backdrop! This blew my mind when I opened it up! Love the colors, the balance, the precision -- you did it again, sister!! You never disappoint your fans. -- Helen
- on May 20, 2015
Your artwork always makes me smile, but I especially LOVE this piece for 3 reasons: #1. I LOVE cute snowmen. #2. You used your signature bold lines and colors. #3. Blue is my favorite color. Thanks for sharing!! Can't wait to see some spring flowers! -- Helen
- on April 28, 2015
Uh-ohhhhh.... I see your crafty momma coming through! Love your colors (as always), especially the background. This is really, really cute! -- Helen
- on April 8, 2015
At first the bold colors and shapes jumped out at me and I said, "Cool!" But then I noticed the characters drawn in the light spaces between the shapes and I said, "AWESOME!!" This is really, really cool -- you are so creative! Just like your momma! -- Helen
- on March 4, 2015
HOW CUTE!!! I love the new perspective on a Christmas tree -- full of color and texture. Another job well done, kiddo!! Miss ya!! -- Helen
- on January 7, 2015
I'm so confused..... which end is which? lol Love the details, especially the eye-ball/fish looking thing. Pretty cool stuff, kiddo! -- Helen
- on January 7, 2015
I love the way you use such rich colors and bold lines. You did a very nice job! -- Helen
- on July 16, 2014
Awwww... that's so cute!! I want to wrap a little tiny baby in it! Can you make one big enough for me to curl up in?? Very pretty colors - looks so soft. Nice work, crafty! -- Helen
- on July 16, 2014
One of my favorite things -- snowflakes!! (Although, I like the hand-made ones better than the real ones...). Love the layers, and the blue really sets it off. Beautiful! -- Helen
- on July 16, 2014
This is really cool -- almost looks 3D in the picture. I'm going to use it for my Valentine's Day computer wallpaper at work! (Although I might be dizzy by the end of the day...) lol Nice work! -- Helen
- on February 19, 2014
I love it -- olivia
- on February 10, 2014
This is beautiful!! I don't know what else to say! I love, love, love the colors and the plant life features, the variety of fish. You must have a fish tank at home to inspire you, because this is so realistic. -- Helen
- on November 20, 2013
!!! OH MY GOSH !!! I LOVE THIS !!! How did you do this? Did you trace leaves or color the leaves themselves? It looks so neat. Love those bold colors mixed with the pastels. I might make this my screensaver for the rest of the fall season. -- Helen
- on October 24, 2013
You are such a great artist. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! Love you very much. -- Judy
- on October 12, 2013
I LOOOOVE Halloween! Your characters are so cute - especially the multicolored pumpkin and the black cat. We have 3 black cats at my house - love them!! -- Helen
- on October 12, 2013
Still rocking those colors, chicka! I love the curly lines - I think that's my favorite, but the blue one's a close second. It's my favorite color. -- Helen
- on October 2, 2013
Oh my gosh! This is beautiful!!! I absolutely love the colors and the broad strokes. I want to hang this in my kitchen!! -- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
Whoa! This is so cool! I love the bold black lines & the placement of your colors. Very striking, Leigha! Great work! -- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
A W E S O M E !! I love the colors and the happy face on your clown. The expression is terrific! Great work, kiddo!! -- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
OMG - I love it! Makes me want to get out the Polly Pockets and play! Very symmetrical - balanced and just plain pretty. Good job! -- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
Awesome! Is this my Valentine? LOL Very colorful - love the patterns. -- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
I ... Love ... This.... lol The colors are amazing & it makes me happy just looking at it. I seriously want this on a coffee mug or some note cards or something. You have such a great eye for color shading and contrast, Leigha. Another masterpiece!!! -- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
This is really neat -- How did you make this??? Looks like electrical tape! Love those bold colors. And the balance is perfect. Good eye, chick! -- Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!! This is beautiful! Merry Christmas, Leigha! -- Helen
- on May 31, 2012
This is so cool! I love the blue colors swirled with light around the moon. The black contrast of the tree looks awesome. Nice work!! --Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on December 11, 2011
What a striking piece! I love fall leaves, and you really captured the elements of a leaf -- love the way you traced the veins with different colors. They really pop on the black background. Very inspiring, Leigha! You have such a keen eye for color. -- Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on December 11, 2011
Once again, you amaze me with your colors! The picture is nicely balanced and very cheerful! I can almost see the bubbles coming up.... lol -- Helen
- on December 11, 2011
I absolutely love this painting. It makes me want to get my fishing pole out . Love Grandma -- Judy
- on July 3, 2011
I like it! Good pattern, colors and design! Even got the egg right! -- Samara
- on July 3, 2011
Aww, Leigha! Nice job!!! -- Samara
- on July 3, 2011
WOW! I love the bold colors in this picture, Leigha! It's very cheerful. Makes me happy just looking at it! I especially like the way you filled in the background with so much color. It's really neat! --Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on July 3, 2011
I like your weaving, Leigha! I used to love doing our weaving projects in elementary art class. It's so neat to see what you're making actually turn into something as you work. Beautiful job -- I hope you had fun doing it! --Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on July 3, 2011
That's really cute, Leigha! I love the colors ... and the way you did the leaves on the flower. Very neat. -- Helen
- on July 3, 2011
That's a cool egg, Leigha! I'm going to print it out (if the program lets me) and hang it up for an Easter decoration in the office. Nice work! Mrs. Button -- helen
- on July 3, 2011
Leigha, this is awesome! Great work! -- Trisha
- on July 3, 2011
I like your colors, Leigha! Very bold -- it's a cool pattern. Nice job! -Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on July 3, 2011
Awwww... your lady bugs are so cute! -- Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on March 14, 2011
Haunted houses used to be one of my favorite things to draw in art class when I was a kid. This one is really neat. I like the colors, and the little ghosts are cool. Nice work! --Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on March 14, 2011
I think these snowmen pictures are AWESOME! I loved seeing them on display in the hallways. You did a great job on yours, Leigha! Keep up the great work! --Mrs. Button -- Helen
- on March 14, 2011
Leigha, Nice job! This picture is amazing. Great work. Love, Aunt Trisha -- Trisha
- on March 13, 2011
Leigha good job. This is such beautiful art work. good work! -- Trisha
- on March 13, 2011
This is cool Leigha! It looks like it could be a town in a Dr. Seuss book :) Nice job and keep up the beautiful work. I can't wait to see what comes next. Love you, Momo -- Morgan
- on October 24, 2010
This is awesome. It looks like it is done in 3-D. You are an amazing artist. I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work. Luv ya Grandma Haight -- Judy
- on October 24, 2010
these buildings look real enough that I might want to go shopping in them. luv ya grandma judy -- judy
- on April 5, 2010
You are a great artist. I really love this picture. Keep up the good work. Grandma Judy -- Judy
- on February 20, 2010
Leigha, This is so cool! I love it and I think you did a GREAT job. I love you. Mo Mo -- Morgan
- on February 20, 2010
Beautiful butterfly! -- Mary
- on February 20, 2010
Love it!!!!!!! -- Mary
- on February 19, 2010
What a very good job...I love your buildings. -- Mary
- on February 19, 2010
This is so beautiful...I am so proud of you. -- Maryann