Wow! You are so talented. I just went through the rest of your portfolio. It's so cool to see where you started and where you are today. You have really done a lot of art over the years. Thank you for sharing. -- Millie
- on October 31, 2018
I like the different sizes and if you did this free hand you did a great job -- Grandma M
- on October 15, 2018
I really like it Looks like an antique Santa ornament -- Patricia
- on February 1, 2017
this bird is cute -- Grandma moo
- on February 1, 2017
I really like how you made the name plate the colors look very nice together and it is easy to read you have some of your interests on it -- Grandma moo
- on February 1, 2017
Cute little bunny or minion with big ears -- Patricia
- on February 1, 2017
A little early for snow men we just finally got rid of the snow -- Patricia
- on February 1, 2017
I love the colors you have and how you put them together to accent one another very pretty -- Patricia
- on February 1, 2017
So this is where you were learning to sew when you were saying you liked making the chainstitch you did a very nice job on your sewing the stitches are very even I love the job you did love ya grandma moo -- Patricia
- on February 1, 2017
This reminds me of a church window very nicely done I like how each piece is different -- Grandma Moo
- on February 1, 2017
I really like the 3D look You did a very nice job -- Grandma Moo
- on April 22, 2014
Very Creative! Nice Job. -- Millie
- on October 3, 2013
I like your castle. You did a very nice job on your bricks. You stacked them just like a real building. It looks like a real castle, like the one I saw in Germany. -- Patricia
- on October 3, 2013
Your flowers remind me of my pionie tree. they get great big red flowers on them in late spring. I really like your eye for art. Beautiful job. -- Patricia
- on October 3, 2013
I like the ornaments the way you painted them. they look a lot like my mothers glass ornaments from years ago. You do beautiful work. -- Patricia
- on October 3, 2013
Hi Maddie, I love this piece. I think it would make beautiful wallpaper among other things. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art work. Love, Millie -- Millie
- on October 3, 2013
I REALLLLY LOVE THIS!!!!!!!! I love the shading around the moon and the shadow of the tree and land. You used a lot of imagination. When I first saw it, I thought it was a postcard. Love Grandma Moo -- Patricia
- on October 3, 2013
Oh my goodness! This is beautiful. I do hope this gets framed. You are so talented young lady. Thank you for sharing. -- Millie
- on October 3, 2013
I REALLY like your leaves!!! You make them look real with the veins that you put on them. Beautiful job. -- Patricia
- on November 21, 2011
I love this piece. What a beautiful job. -- Millie
- on November 7, 2011
Absolutely Beautiful, just like you. -- Millie
- on November 7, 2011
I really liked your pin. I'm sorry it got a little messed up when it went in the wash. But it is still a very cute pin. A happy pin. -- Granda Moo
- on March 23, 2011
I Like the way you did the hat and the scarf the same print with the hearts and dots. It took a lot of thought to make them match like that. I really like your artwork. -- Grandma Moo
- on March 7, 2011
Madison with all the sickness with your brothers. I thought you would put more red and green in the face. You are more kind with been sick than I would be. But you do express the picture very well. -- Grandma Moo
- on March 7, 2011
I really like your abstract art. You have refreshing colors with a little bright colors. Which makes it a calming picture to look at and a little something to catch your eye. -- Grandma Moo
- on February 22, 2011
Dear Maddie, Well I think this is perhaps the most beautiful piece you have done so far. I know mom and dad are going to want to get this one framed. I see a blonde angel in a red/orange dress in the middle of this picture and she is floating peacefully. You inspire me to paint and I thank you for that. Love, Millie -- Millie
- on February 22, 2011
Dear Maddie, Well I think this is perhaps the most beautiful piece you have done so far. I know mom and dad are going to want to get this one framed. I see a blonde angel in a red/orange dress in the middle of this picture and she is floating peacefully. You inspire me to paint and I thank you for that. Love, Millie -- Mill
- on February 22, 2011
I really, really like your tree! You put a lot of time and thought in it. It looks very pretty. Love Grandma -- Grandma Moo
- on December 22, 2010
This looks like modern art. I like the way it is put together, but don't understand it. Love Grandma -- Patricia
- on November 5, 2010
I like that you have a blue sky and the sun with sunglasses on. But there is something wrong with the picture. Your hair isn't long or curly enough. Other than that I love the picture. Love Grandma -- Patricia
- on November 5, 2010
I love this picture with the way you made the picture look so scary. You have a lot of detail in it. Love Grandma -- Patricia
- on November 5, 2010
Nice job Maddy, you can be our little artist. -- Jerry
- on November 5, 2010
Wow! This is so colorful Maddison. I just love it. -- Millie
- on October 20, 2010
Madison you did a very nice job on your free form. -- Patricia
- on June 14, 2010
I like all the work you put into the painting. The plants under the water and the pretty colors of the fish and the movement of the water around the fish. Very nice job. -- Patricia
- on June 14, 2010
I love your lady bugs and how you have them crawling in the grass. -- Grandma moo
- on June 14, 2010
I LOVE the smiles on the butterfly!!!! It makes me smile when I look at it. -- Gradma Moo
- on May 19, 2010
Happy Easter Madison! What a lovely egg. -- Millie
- on April 9, 2010
I love your butterfly. It has a lot of colors in it. I see your favorite colors pink and purple. -- Patricia
- on March 30, 2010
How beautiful and Spring-like. -- Millie
- on March 22, 2010
Very cute. I love it. -- Millie
- on March 22, 2010
Madison I LOVE ALL your art work. You put a lot of thought and imagination in every one you've done. -- Grandma Moo
- on March 22, 2010
Maddy; Happy Valentine! This is very Pretty. Nice Valentine card. -- Jerry
- on March 22, 2010
Maddy this looks like New York city. When were you there? -- Jerry
- on March 22, 2010
I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day Maddie. Your art work is beautiful. I know you mommy and daddy are so proud of you. Keep up the good work. Millie -- Millie
- on February 22, 2010
Maddy this looks like the ocean, where are the fish? Nice job. Love Gramma and Grampa -- Jerry
- on February 15, 2010
Maddy this is really pretty. You are a very good painter. It makes us proud when we see how nice a job you do. Gramma and Grampa -- Grampa
- on February 5, 2010
Wow Madison, This sure makes me think of Spring. Thank you. Keep up the good work. Love, Millie
- on February 3, 2010
Wow Madison! This is so beautiful! It makes me think of Spring. Keep up the good work. Love, Millie
- on January 27, 2010
Madison your Christmas tree is very nice, looks as good as the Christmas cookies you made.
- on January 11, 2010
Madison, I love this Christmas tree and the ginger bread man too. You are so talented and creative. I love doing art projects too. Keep up the beautiful work! Millie
- on January 7, 2010
Hi Madison, Your pictures are great, I love the Christmas tree and the ginger breadman. I can't wait to see more. I hope you had a great Christmas and tell all your family I said hi and send my love! Love, Aunt Lindy
- on January 7, 2010
What a beautiful Native American vest. You are so talented. Thanks for sharing. Millie
- on December 1, 2009
What a beautiful picture! Is this a picture of you or mommy?
- on November 16, 2009
I am so happy to be able to see your art work Madison. You are very talented. I think you got that from me. :-)
- on November 2, 2009
Madison, your drawings are awesome. Keep up the good work. Grandma
- on October 29, 2009
Hi Madison, This is very good, it reminds me of the cats on your Grandpa's farm. Your Mom used to draw pictures like this too, but I think yours might be a little bit better :). Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Lindy
- on October 27, 2009
Madison! You are incredible! What a great eye you have for color and design. - Joanna