Ethan3834's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Ethan3834's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Ethan, Wow, this if very good.
-- Grandma Barbara
- on May 7, 2015
Ethan, Nice job on this. Definitely looks like a huddle.
-- Grandma Barbara
- on May 7, 2015
Ethan, This is very cute. Looks kinda like Mickey Mouse.
-- Grandma Barbara
- on May 7, 2015
You really are quite the little artist. Keep up the good work.
-- Grandma
- on May 7, 2015
I can't wait to get to Cleveland. How about you Ethan?
-- Barbara (Grandma)
- on May 7, 2015
What a great job you did on this. The uniform is great.
-- Barbara
- on May 7, 2015
I really like your castle. Wouldn't it be neat to live in one.
-- Barbara (Grandma)
- on May 7, 2015
Hi Ethen. It looks REALLY COOL! The buildings look like they are glowing in the dark! By the way its Maddy and Christian!:)
-- Barta kids.
- on May 7, 2015
I saw the real thing too. You did such a great job. I was not very good at "clay stuff".
-- Joey (Uncle)
- on February 12, 2011
Very good Ethan! Those are some nasty looking storm clouds. We see those around here, don't we.
-- Barbara (Grandma)
- on February 9, 2011
What a cute clown!! Looks a bit like you.
-- Barbara (Grandma)
- on January 30, 2011
Ethan, the colors are so bright. I love it.
-- Barbara
- on January 30, 2011
Ethan, what a great fish. You are a very good artist.
-- Barbara
- on May 26, 2010
Ethan you did an amazing job on your fish ! Nice touch with the plants on the bottom .
-- Mark
- on May 26, 2010
Ethan, I like your Christmas Tree very much!!
-- Joe
- on May 26, 2010
Your butterfly is very colorful.
-- Joey
- on May 26, 2010
I love snowmen. You did an awesome job on this!!!
-- Barbara
- on May 24, 2010
I love these pumpkins. Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year.
-- Barbara
- on May 19, 2010
Wow ! That is an awesome butterfly ! Nice job Ethan.
-- Mark
- on May 22, 2010