Duncan188's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Duncan188's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I discovered I entered the title of this work incorrectly. It is "Rainbow FLOOR" not "Rainbow Board" as previously stated. Oops!
-- Kelly
- on December 19, 2011
Duncan, I really love the colors in this picture. I especially like how they change from dark to light and give the picture some texture. Good job!
-- Grandma B
- on June 10, 2011
Duncan, I like the way you used the shapes to make this guys teeth.
-- Grandma B
- on March 15, 2011
Dear Sweety Boy, I loved your latest artwork. It looks like fish swimming in the middle of the pond. Perhaps the pink is the sun shining on them or the water is shallower there. You are so talented in drawing, perhaps you will be an artist like Monet. We love you and miss you - keep up the good work in drawing and painting.
-- Grandma Z
- on February 22, 2011
I think this is my favorite work so far this year. I love the colors and shapes!
-- Mom
- on January 13, 2011
I LOVE your new art work! Orange and yellow and reds are my favorite colors in clothes and especially in the fall season with the colorful leaves. Keep up your great art work! Grandma Zaug
-- Lo
- on October 4, 2010
Duncan, I really like your exciting picture of New York!! It has a lot of energy and interest. I think it is very, very cool. Keep up the good work.
-- Papa Joe
- on October 4, 2010
D-Man: Great work on your colorful Cat. I really like his Cool Coat of many colors. Keep up the good work. Papa Joe
-- Joe
- on April 9, 2010
Hey Duncan, this is the best one yet! I think you really captured the coat of many colors and I really like your cat. He has a lot of whiskers!
-- Grandma B
- on April 9, 2010
Duncan, I like this new piece of art. I like that you have used a different design space that goes up and down. The colors are nice too! I hope you enjoy making art. Grandma B.
- on January 29, 2010
Dear Duncan, I really enjoyed looking at your art work. My favorite piece is the one with the black outlines. Your color choices are some of my favorite. Keep up the good work! Maybe you can be the next generation of artist in our family. Love, Great aunt Susan
- on November 22, 2009
Duncan - I love your work! I hope I can get a piece to hang at my house. Love you, Aunt Erin
- on November 12, 2009
Duncan I love the colors and shapes you used in your pictures. I think the one with all the shapes outlined looks like a city or a building that you might build. Thanks for sharing. Grandma B
- on November 12, 2009
Duncan, Grandpa and I both love your art work. Your use of color and design is very creative and please keep up your interest in art. Send us new pictures anytime - we will enjoy seeing them. Grandma and Grandpa Z
- on November 12, 2009