Paige2187's Comments (5)

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Below are comments about Paige2187's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Beautiful Blue Dog!!!
- Tonya (teacher at Grace Christian School) on November 26, 2012
Great Job!!!
- Tonya (teacher at Grace Christian School) on November 26, 2012
Paige, Your grandparents are so proud of you. God has given you many talents. Use them for Him. Love, JoJo & PaulPaul
-- Paul
- on November 21, 2010
This is so cool. It is simple,yet elegant. You are a very creative person.
-- JoJo
- on November 21, 2010
this is the best! i love the details and the shading on the apple! true talent!
- on February 26, 2010