Drew1612's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about Drew1612's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Nice Work Drew, Perfect inking
- Matthew (teacher at Norwich Middle School) on December 9, 2012
Congratulations to all the Chenango County Fair Winners. Well done, Team Perry Browne.
Mrs. Pfeifer
- Kathleen (teacher at Perry Browne Intermediate) on September 7, 2012
Drew, this is awesome.............. it would make a beautiful Christmas card! Love, Mom
-- Mom
- on November 14, 2010
Congratulations on having your artwork published on Artsonia. Keep up the hard work. Mrs. Pfeifer, Art Teacher/Art Department Chair
-- Mrs. Pfeifer
- on November 13, 2010
Congratulations on your artsonia portfolio of artwork. pbt13815
- on November 13, 2010
You can do it. Keep up the hard work in art class. Mrs. DeTomi, Office
- on November 13, 2010
Keep up the good work in art class. Mr. Lawton
- on November 13, 2010
Love your winter sports drawing. Well done. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on November 13, 2010
Congratulations on your artsonia artwork. Mrs. Grenier, Office
- on November 13, 2010
Congratulations on sketchbook drawing. Mrs. DeTomi, Office
- on November 13, 2010
Congratulations on the artsonia portfolio. pbartteacher
- on November 13, 2010
Congratulations on your very first Artsonia artwork. You make me proud. Ms. Post, Principal
- on November 13, 2010
Awesome artwork on Artsonia.com. Mrs. Greeley, Office
- on November 13, 2010
Congratulations on your first artsonia.com artwork. Mrs. Miner, Librarian
- on November 13, 2010
Congratulations on your first artwork on Artsonia.com. Mrs. Pfeifer
- on November 13, 2010