Way to go Sam!!! I especially love the blue dot cloud. That really makes it pop. ?? -- Mom
- on January 29, 2015
Nice work Samuel! I am so happy to see your artwork again! Keep it coming my son. Mom -- Mom
- on September 18, 2013
Sam, Interesting work...I like the "negative" effect. -- Wanda
- on March 10, 2012
Great job, Sam. I'm a big fan , Don -- Don
- on March 10, 2012
Sam, WOW!! When I first say this, I thought it was professionally done. Maybe you have sculpturer as part of your future!! -- Wanda
- on March 10, 2012
Muy bien! Parece como una máscara auténtica! -- Bri
- on January 12, 2012
Samuel, congratulations, what wonderful gift you have. Proud of you, golfer, musician, artist, and a 10 th level " angry birds pro". However, most importantly, a great kid. Your pal, Don -- Don
- on January 12, 2012
Sammy, Your mask is incredible .. you're obviously a multi-media artist as well as a darned good actor!! And I'll bet your piano playing is right up there as well. -- Sally
- on January 12, 2012
I saw some of these in Mexico. You could take it there and sell it! -- Krista
- on January 12, 2012
Sam, Very good use of color and shapes. I am impressed, as always, with your artistic ability. Wanda -- Wanda
- on January 12, 2012
Sam, You are too much .. an artist, a musician AND an actor!!!! Congratulations on all three. I really liked the way you played your role on stage the other night, staying in character and making the Ace of Spades a really interesting member of the cast. Happy Turkey Day!! Sally -- Sally
- on January 5, 2012
Sam, Your use of color in this drawing is terrific! I'm so liking this way of showing off your art work. Keep it coming. -- Wanda
- on November 13, 2011
Samuel, I think you draw better than I do! The flowers are my favorite in this piece. -- Brianne
- on October 12, 2011
Sam...I really like this one! I can see that you are beginning to understand the placement of light and shadows. Very nice! Love, Mom -- Mom
- on March 26, 2011
Sam, You really show an understanding of spatial relationships in this picture (meaning you make this picture look real)! I am glad that you're continuing to keep up with your drawing - it so looks like you're having FUN with it! Wanda -- Wanda
- on March 26, 2011
Beautiful picture Sam! This would make a great Christmas card. -- Michele
- on March 26, 2011
Sam, I particularly like the black and white motiff! Wanda -- Wanda
- on November 9, 2010
What a "happy" scarecrow! Will he scare the crows away? -- Krista
- on October 28, 2010
Samuel...I love this picture. It just makes me smile out loud when I see it. I love how you did the eyes and the mouth and tongue. Who's hair does this remind you of? -- Mom
- on September 29, 2010
Sam, I hope you had a great first week of school! Your artwork is colorful and it almost seems to move! Fondly, Wanda -- Wanda
- on September 15, 2010
I'm seeing stars! I love it - looks like the big dipper. -- Krista
- on June 14, 2010
I just love this on Sam! It makes me feel at peace. It is almost as beautiful as you are. Mom -- Mom
- on June 14, 2010
I may have seen this city in the movie "Iron Man 2"! The colors of the sky remind me of the aurora borealis. -- Krista
- on May 19, 2010
Sam, Nice use of color!! Wanda -- Wanda
- on May 6, 2010
I love the colors and different patterns on your artwork. Keep up the good work! -- Krista
- on May 6, 2010
Sammy, I am so pleased that you are continuing to use art to express yourself. Seeing your work always brightens my day. -- Wanda
- on May 3, 2010
Sam, Great snowflakes, but I don't want to see anymore in "real life" until November! I hope you enjoyed this past weekend, as it was lovely!!! Wanda -- Wanda
- on March 24, 2010
Sam, The day is sunny and bright and you made it even better with these drawings. I hope that you enjoy the rest of the week. I may see you at the play on Friday, as I'm going. -- Wanda
- on March 10, 2010
Sammy, this is awesome! You are America's Picasso! -- Bri
- on March 10, 2010
Sam, The hearts are very creative and fun, too. Thank you for working so hard to make life a bit lovelier. -- Wanda
- on February 18, 2010
Congratulations on your artsonia portfolio of artwork. pbt13815
- on February 5, 2010
You can do it. Keep up the hard work in art class. Mrs. DeTomi, Office
- on February 5, 2010
Keep up the good work in art class. Mr. Lawton
- on January 28, 2010
Sam, I so enjoyed seeing this art today, as I was sitting in school during Regents Week. I actually like snow and thought you did a great job of dipicting one of its many wonders. Wanda
- on January 27, 2010
Sam, love your drawing - very expressive.
- on January 27, 2010
Sam, I am totally impressed with your picture of a snowman. Lucky you to enjoy art! Wanda
- on January 20, 2010
Wow.....what a fun loving snowman you have created. I love how his scarf is flying in the wind. Way to go Sam!!!
- on January 17, 2010
Congratulations on your artsonia artwork. Mrs. Grenier, Office
- on January 6, 2010
Sam, This is a beautiful piece of art. Keep up the great work!
- on December 19, 2009
Congratulations on sketchbook drawing. Mrs. DeTomi, Office
- on December 14, 2009
Congratulations on the artsonia portfolio. pbartteacher
- on December 14, 2009
I love the orange shapes that you used to make your portrait. It's so cool to see your artwork progressing. Krista
- on December 14, 2009
Samuel, this is your best work yet! Great job on your self portrait my son. I can see that you really took your time on this piece of artwork. Quality Work!!!! Oh, yeah baby....that's what I'm talkin' about! Way to go Sam! It even looks like you. Love, Mom
- on December 7, 2009
Samuel, Once again, your creativity shines through. I especially like the use of color and the scary teeth! Wanda
- on December 7, 2009
Sammy.....I am so proud of you! I love to see how you express yourself with your artwork. I know that your brain is loaded with ideas and designs and I can't wait to see them unfold. Why don't we start doing some more artwork at home. I love to create art as well and would love to do it with you. I can't wait to see your next creation. Love, Mom
- on November 23, 2009
Sammy, I just got time to view your artwork and I'm glad I took the time! You did a very detailed and interesting piece of art. Thank you for including me on your site. Keep up the good work! Wanda
- on November 23, 2009
Nice job Sam cool details thanks for the comment! See u in class. From Bree
- on November 8, 2009
I love your art! I can't wait to see more creations! Krista
- on November 5, 2009
Sam, Love your new artwork - very cool! Michele
- on November 5, 2009
Congratulations on your very first Artsonia artwork. You make me proud. Ms. Post, Principal
- on November 1, 2009
Hi Sam, thanks for inviting me to your art page!!! I like your three pieces you've displayed. I didn't realize that you were a #24 race fan. You see I learned something new about you today from your artwork. Keep up the good work and have fun while you do it!!!! Uncle Brad
- on October 27, 2009
Awesome artwork on Artsonia.com. Mrs. Greeley, Office
- on October 27, 2009
Congratulations on your first artsonia.com artwork. Mrs. Miner, Librarian
- on October 26, 2009
Congratulations on your first artwork on Artsonia.com. Mrs. Pfeifer