Luke2478's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Luke2478's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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- Tonya (teacher at Grace Christian School) on February 26, 2013
Great Job!!!
- Tonya (teacher at Grace Christian School) on February 26, 2013
Very Creative!!!
- Tonya (teacher at Grace Christian School) on February 26, 2013
Your blues and oranges really work well together and I love the scroll shaped designs!
-- MissMissy
- on October 30, 2012
Luke James, this is just WONDERFUL!!!!!!
-- MissMissy
- on October 30, 2012
This made me smile so big! Beautiful!
-- MissMissy
- on October 30, 2012
Hi Luke! Oh my word!!!! Your picture is amazing! I love the reflections of the buildings!!! You are very talented! God gave you a gift!
-- MissMissy
- on October 30, 2012