Lauren5504's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Lauren5504's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Super good job! Keep up the good work.
-- Dick & Jan
- on May 22, 2015
You do very nice work.
-- Grandma Berger
- on January 28, 2015
-- Jan
- on April 23, 2014
-- Jan
- on February 12, 2014
Awesome job! Keep up the good work.
-- Jan
- on January 15, 2014
Lauren Your artwork is really cool. Sweet dreams!!!
-- Grandma Connie
- on December 12, 2012
You are such a great artist and a great kid! I am so proud of the work that you do.
-- Connie
- on January 15, 2014
Hi Lauren, Thanks for sharing your beautiful art with us! You are a super artist! We love all of your pieces!! Keep drawing and I look forward to seeing all of your new paintings/drawings too! Happy Easter and Happy Birthday to both your mom and dad!! Love, Marcie, Steve, Laura, Sarah, Amanda, and Chad
-- Marcie
- on December 13, 2011
Lauren, I love your artwork in honor of Valentine's Day!!!
-- Connie
- on December 13, 2011
Awesome job. I envey your ability to draw. You know I can't draw a thing. Neat colors you used and I love the happy face sun. Keep up th good work. Love Grandma B.
-- Jan
- on December 13, 2011
WHOooooooooo taught you to draw like this? This grandma loves owls.
-- Jan
- on December 13, 2011
Lauren, I love your scarecrow! You are a great artist. Grandma Connie
-- Connie
- on December 13, 2011
Lauren, I can't resist you either, My Little Valentine! Grandma Connie
- on December 13, 2011
Lauren, Your artwork continues to amaze me. I love all of your creations!!
- on December 13, 2011
BOO! Awesome Halloween picture. Hope you have a Happy Halloween this weekend. C U then.
- on November 1, 2009
Nice work Lauren! You have a "good eye" for colors that go very well together. I hope to see some of your artwork hanging to decorate your home. You are a good artist! (Thanks for sharing your artwork with us). ;-) Love and Blessings, Mary and Todd
- on October 21, 2009
Dear Lauren, Uncle Johnny and Auntie Claudia love your artwork! You are a wonderful artist and have a good eye for color, texture and how things fit in space. I love all of your fruit on the tree and also your beautiful and colorful sky! You are awesome! Claudia
- on October 21, 2009
Love your purple house. Looks just like your new green one by the river. Good job! Love, Grandma Jan.
- on October 1, 2009
Awesome apple tree. Let me know when you pick them and have the pie ready. We'll be over for desert. Love, Grandma Jan.
- on October 1, 2009
Looks beautiful. You are a better than me. Must run in the family, though, because your mom is good, too! I love you and miss you so much!
- on October 1, 2009
Hi Lauren, I love your beautiful art!!! Give Josh a hug from all of us. Love, Bob
- on October 1, 2009
Lauren, I love your art pieces. You are very talented and I am very proud of you!!! Love abd XXXOOO, Grandma Connie
- on October 1, 2009
Good Job Lauren! Nice apple tree. Nice colors, too! Love it!
- on October 1, 2009
Hi Lauren, You are a VERY good artist! I liked your tree and your house pictures! You are a talented artist and I look forward to seeing more of your illustrations throughout the year! Keep up the good work in 1st grade! Love, Great Auntie Marcie :)
- on October 1, 2009
Lauren, I am so proud of how well you are doing in school. You are a very talented artist. I love all of your work.
- on September 29, 2009