Anthony4480's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Anthony4480's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I sent this to great grandmom and she said it was great.. Keep it up sweetie
-- Grandmom
- on April 1, 2010
This is so cool. Well done..Your the greatest.. Keep up the great work.. Love Grandmom
-- Grandmom
- on April 1, 2010
Anthony, this is the best turtle I have seen. Keep up the wonderful work, THIS WAS GREAT ,, I love you and very proud of you, Love Grandmom
-- Grandmom
- on March 31, 2010
Now this is a piece of work, wow, I can't beleive how good your work is, You are going to be a great artist, but then you are great at everything you try and do..... Love ya, Grandmom
-- Grandmom
- on March 31, 2010
This is great, you did such a wonderful job, I am so proud of you. IT'S GREAT, Keep up the good work,, hey it looks just like ya,, smile, Love you. Grandmom
-- Grandmom
- on March 31, 2010
Anthony, the artwork I just looked at was wonderful. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work. I want to see alot more. I love you and again very proud of you.. Love you Grandmom
- on November 23, 2009