Aubrie70's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Aubrie70's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Your Elmer looks great, Aubrie!
-- Your Art teacher
- on September 22, 2010
Hey Aubrie! This painting was so much fun to make with you in afterschool. Thanks for asking me to help you with it. I love you!!! Mommy :-)
-- Mommy
- on June 14, 2010
- on June 14, 2010
- on June 14, 2010
Aubrie, This must have been fun to do. I hope you make a picture for me sometime. Love you. Meme
- on December 20, 2009
Aubrie - Nice work! I really like the colors. Love you. Meme
- on December 20, 2009
Hey Aubrie! I had so much fun painting this picture with you during afterschool! I love you and am proud of the little artist you are! Love, Mommy
- on September 21, 2009
Your tall buildings and cars and trucks look great!! You must get your art abilities from your Daddy. He can draw and make great pictures just like you do. Keep up the good work!! I love you!!!
- on September 21, 2009
Wow!!!!! You now have 3 pieces of Art in artsonia! That is awesome! Nena is so very proud of your work. I am looking forward to seeing what Art your school adds next. Keep up the GREAT & AWESOME work. I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!!!! Nena
- on September 21, 2009