Courtney2940's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Courtney2940's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Good Job Courtney! Everyone likes One Direction so that was a good choice to put on your picture! Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on May 29, 2013
Courtney this is really great, love all of the expressions. Well Done Love Mom!!!
-- Jill
- on February 4, 2013
Good Job Courtney! You did a great job making each face match the adjective! Bet that was fun to draw! Love Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on February 1, 2013
Good job Courtney.......that beautiful blue sky make your flowers look so pretty.......nice. Loved it! Love, Aunt Vicky & Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on February 1, 2013
Hi Courtney, We really enjoyed your snow globe drawing with the little snowman family in there....very cute! Plus we are in Florida so since we don't get to see snow here we really liked seeing it in your picture. Good Job! Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on February 1, 2013
Courtney, I love the snow globe it is great.
-- Grandpa Bob
- on February 1, 2013
Hi Courtney, We liked your self portrait on the money...very cute and it looked like a $2000.00 bill! That would buy lots of stuff. You drew lots of good food on your money and some of it is our favorite food too! Good job. Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on February 1, 2013
Dear Courtney, You did a great job on this picture.....we love the colors you used and your bird looks so real sitting there looking at her nest of eggs. Good job! It's one of our favorites. Love, Aunt Vicky & Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on November 17, 2011
Courtney, that is a great treasure map.....good job! Love Aunt Vicky & Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on October 4, 2011
Dear Courtney, I think this picture will be one of our favorites. The color of your sky is beautiful and love all the pretty stars. Good job! Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on June 15, 2011
Good Job Courtney! You did a super job on this one. We really liked it. Keep us the good work! Uncle Ron and Aunt Vicky
-- Vicky
- on June 10, 2011
Hi Honey! I got so excited when I saw your beautiful drawing of the yellow bird on the tree limb and dropped my coffee cup and it broke. So, how about you tell your daddy (my son) about this and tell him that my birthday is coming up and that I would really love to have a coffee cup with your yellow bird drawing on it. Love Grandpa Chris
-- Grandpa Chris
- on February 14, 2011
Hi Courtney, We really like this picture....You did an excellent job on the pictures you drew on their clothes...... Good Job! Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- vicky
- on February 1, 2011
Hi Courtney! I have been having so much fun seeing pictures drawn by you! Your drawing skills get better and better with each drawing that you create. I love the detail in this drawing. You have so many talents Courtney and I am very proud of you. Love and hugs, Grandma Kim
-- Kim
- on November 29, 2010
Hi Courtney. We really liked your wise Owl....he looks wise too on the page of a book! Keep up the good work.... Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on October 21, 2010
Good job do a great job on your pictures....keep them coming! Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on October 12, 2010
Hi Courtney, Uncle Ron and I think your new artwork is terrific! We love the beautiful blue colors you used on this one. Keep up the good work! Love, Uncle Ron and Aunt Vicky
-- Vicky
- on June 22, 2010
Courtney, you do a great job on your pictures....we love seeing them. Keep up the good work and we will look forward to your next one! Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on May 11, 2010
Courtney- We are so proud of you and how creative you are, thank you for being so wonderful. Mom and Dad:)
-- Jill
- on May 11, 2010
Dear Courtney; You can draw pictures really good and I am so proud of you! I really had fun with you when we visited you earlier this month. You are growing up so fast and are so pretty and smart. It was so cool to see you practice your cheerleading and to see your schooland to hear you sing and dance country. Please give momma, daddy and Carter a big hug and kiss from me. Love always, Grandma Kim
-- Kim
- on April 9, 2010
Hi Courtney, Great job on your newest artwork! We have so many birthday's in our family in March-- it was fun to see your picture so that we could think of you and everyone having their birthday this month! Keep up the good work, Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
-- Vicky
- on March 17, 2010
Courtney, Your art work makes me happy when I see it, you are great.
- on March 17, 2010
Hi Courtney! Good job on your newest artwork! Love all the little people you drew...your colors are beautiful! Keep up the good work..... Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
- on January 19, 2010
Hi Courtney, Grandpa sent Uncle Ron and I your pictures and they were awesome! We loved your little koalas bear on the tree. We also thought your other picture with the beautiful sun was great. You are doing super.....keep up the good work! We are going to join your fan club so we can see your new pictures when they are posted. Love, Aunt Vicky and Uncle Ron
- on November 11, 2009
Courtney, I love your artwork, your Sun makes me feel warm and happy. I love you Grandpa
- on November 11, 2009