Jazz6's Comments (14)

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Below are comments about Jazz6's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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very creative...style....imagination......nice color yes i like it its very nice my granny just showed me the web site to see it very good work im gonna chalenge you when i get to the house this summer. kenroy but as you know me pennie.
- on June 12, 2009
Hey Jazz your artwor is abosutely wonderful. I am so very proud of you. Uncle Raymond R.
- on June 12, 2009
Hi jazz,That was cool. I like to draw also.Grandma said she is going to bring me to see you this summer.We can draw together.I am looking forward to seeing you and having fun.You really put those colors together nicely.Grandma said put it in a frame and put it on your wall.Tell your grandma and mom and dad I said hello.your friend pennie
- on May 20, 2009
Hey Jazzy! This is a great piece of artwork! I am so proud of you man! You are full of talents, keep up the awesome work. Love Auntie Tara G.
- on May 20, 2009
Jazz, I'm so proud of you, but, not surprised. Keep up the great work. Uncle B
- on May 20, 2009
Congratulations nephew...I am so very, very proud of you. Continue with the good work. I will be sporting the tee.
- on May 20, 2009
Master Jazz, this is great stuff!! Im so proud. Ur Dy-No-Mite !!!
- on May 20, 2009
AHOY! great job Jay Boogie! I'm very proud of u.. ! Love ya! Mike..
- on May 18, 2009
Great job, Jazz, you displayed orginality. That is wonderful. Keep up the good work, love you much, Sharlene
- on May 18, 2009
Fantastic work, Jazz. Reminds me of the artwork I used to do many years ago. I'm very proud of you. Love, Grandpa.
- on May 18, 2009
I am so very proud of my grandson. He is a genius! A creative genius!
- on May 18, 2009
Wow great Job dude! You definitely have some skills, keep up the good work!
- on May 16, 2009
Jazz, I love your work! You are a natural and I'm so proud of you! Love, Taj
- on May 16, 2009
Jazz, I am so proud of you! Mommy loves you very much!!!
- on May 16, 2009