Haleigh205's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about Haleigh205's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Haleigh, You are my little angel Grandma Zimmer
-- Linda
- on March 25, 2010
Just beautiful!!! Love, Mom
- on February 7, 2010
i love my art work !!!!! i think this peice of art work is outstanding art work #1 love; haleigh***
- on February 7, 2010
This is sooo spooky!! Love it!! Great job Haleigh - Love Mom
- on February 7, 2010
Haleigh It is a perfect picture of YOU!!!! Grandma Zimmer
- on February 7, 2010
Haleigh, Your pumpkin is ready for Halloween!!! Great Job :) Grandma Zimmer
- on February 7, 2010
Haleigh, We are very impressed with your newest picture!!! We cant wait to see all of your 2nd grade art work :) Love Grandpa and Grandma Zimmer
- on September 22, 2009
good job pat yourself on the back.
- on September 22, 2009
Haleigh, Love the clay flower, it looks just like a real flower!! It would make a nice decoration for my rock garden, the sun would make it glow. GREAT JOB. Love, Grandpa and Grandma Zimmer
- on September 22, 2009
Haleigh, Your art work looks beautiful!! You have used very nice colors to make a nice spring flower garden. Love, Grandpa and Grandma Zimmer
- on June 24, 2009
Haleigh, Your work is GREAT!!!!!!!! Keep up the good work. Love Dad
- on June 23, 2009
Just beautiful!! Your artwork is priceless to me!! Love you!! - Mom
- on June 22, 2009
Haleigh Great Job. Very nice
- on June 22, 2009