Emma3197's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Emma3197's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Emma, I like the colors you used and it looks like you did a great job!
-- Rick
- on June 26, 2013
Emma, This is really cool work! It looks like you made a drawing and cut it into puzzle pieces and scrambled them up again. It must have been fun to do this!
-- Rick
- on June 26, 2013
Emma, It's good to see you using a lot of colors and materials! You must have had fun making this.
-- Rick
- on June 26, 2013
Emma, I hope you let the fish go back into the water after getting it's "scale" print! That is so neat with a lot of detail. You must have had fun making this!
-- Rick
- on March 23, 2011
Emma, That hand is really cool! Next time I see you, you will have to tell me what it's made of. It looks like you took a lot of time to show the details. Good Work!
-- Rick
- on March 23, 2011
I just want to know how the cat got up in the tree!! Are these your two cats?
-- Rick
- on March 23, 2011
Hi Emma, It looks like you have a beautiful flower garden with lots of action going on. Nice Job! Uncle Rick
-- Rick
- on June 29, 2010
Hi Emma, I've been waiting for spring and now that I see your art, I know it's finally arrived! I like the colors.
-- Rick
- on June 5, 2010
What a beautiful pot of spring flowers!
-- Gina
- on June 5, 2010
Hi Emma, That egg looks HUGE! I don't know how big it actually was but it looks the size of a bowling ball. Only it's a lot more colorful. I like the variety of shapes. Have a fun spring!
-- Rick
- on June 5, 2010
Emma, Your picture looks like a friendly monster-vampire! There's a lot of detail there- must have taken a while to create this. Good work!
-- Rick
- on June 5, 2010
That is the happiest most colorfull monster that I have ever seen. Great job Emma!
-- Gina
- on June 5, 2010
I love it snowflakes in my favorite colors. Purple is my favorite and I like green and blue too. beautiful!
-- Gina
- on February 22, 2010
I like the colors you used this month! Keep up the good work.
-- Rick
- on February 20, 2010
Emma, Your artwork is great. You put great effort and thought into your work. Aunt Karen
- on February 20, 2010
Emma, That helps us to get in the Christmas spirit! I'll bet you had some fun making your tree.
- on February 20, 2010
Hi Emma, I like your Halloween picture! Good work! Rick
- on February 20, 2010
Please don't think you have to buy anything. We just wanted to let you see what she is up to and how school these days has changed since we went, just a little bit!! I never imagined having work from art class being posted on the web . . . . . Love to all, Janet & Carlos
- on September 30, 2009
Emma, I love your self-portrait. Look at all of those tatoos on your arm!!! This is neat that everyone can see your artwork. Enjoy your art!! Love Mom & Dad
- on September 30, 2009
Beautiful job Emma
- on September 30, 2009
Your flower is very pretty! I can't wait to see it in person. Love, Mom
- on May 21, 2009