I like your lines in motion. Keep up the good work! Love, Dad
- on April 30, 2012
hi sweety, i love what your doing in art class...keep up with your artistic ability!!! love you xoxolove, aunt debbie. -- debbie
- on November 13, 2011
Jalyn, I love your button! I can't wait to wear it!
Love ya, Mom
- on March 20, 2011
Pretty cool weave going on there!
Love ya, Mom
- on February 25, 2011
Jalyn, Your lantern looks very nice. Is it a shark? It looks like one to me. Or a fish? Was it hard making all of those cuts on the paper? I bet it took some time doing that!. Keep up the great work honey! I love you, Nonnie.
- on February 16, 2011
Awesome project you did!!!
Love ya, Mom
- on February 15, 2011
This is so cool Tinky!
Love ya, Mom
- on February 15, 2011
This looks like a nice kind of fish that I would like to catch! :)
Love ya, Mom
- on February 13, 2011
Jalyn, I love this art project you did! It's amazing!!!
Love, Mom
- on February 10, 2011
Hi honey! Your fish artwork is very nice, keep up the great work--I know you will!
Love you!!!!! Nonnie
- on February 3, 2011
I like your karmsa hands. They are unique!!!!
Love, Dad
- on January 23, 2011
I like your Thanksgiving turkey. I would love to eat this one on Thanksgiving!!!
Love, Dad
- on December 24, 2010
Nice job on your christmas snow globe!!! I know santa would love to have this one of a kind globe at his workshop.
Love, Dad
- on December 24, 2010
I love your snow globe! It's too cute!!!
Love, Mom
- on December 13, 2010
Gobble, gobble! Cute!
Love, Mom
- on December 2, 2010
Jalyn, great job on the house, Aunt Cari really liked this one!!! -- Uncle Tom
- on October 27, 2010
Nice job on your house! It looks like a spooky house for halloween i would say. Keep up the good work! -- Kevin
- on October 26, 2010
Good Job Jalyn! Keep up the good work. -- Kevin
- on October 22, 2010
Awesome drawing Tink!
Love, Mom
- on October 22, 2010
Jalyn that is very very nice house you made very good job love Grandpa
- on October 22, 2010
I love how beautiful your flowers are! You did a great job on them! They look real!!!
Love, Mom
- on June 23, 2010
Jalyn, I love your painting! It looks like something from outer-space! Awesome colors!
- on June 9, 2010
Jalyn, your easter egg you made is very very nice! Keep up the good work sweety!
Love, Grandpa
- on April 9, 2010
That Easter Bunny would sure be jelous that he doesn't have this egg!
- on April 7, 2010
I love the color you added to him! Awesome!
Love, Mom
- on April 7, 2010
This lil monster is too cute! He looks like a character from a story that we have read about. Are you going to be an illustrator when you grow up? Love you!!! xoxo
Love, Mom
- on March 20, 2010
Jalyn, we love your monster! He is cute. He made me laugh, I hope that is okay with you. Grandpa told me to tell you that you did a good job! He wants you to make more monsters! You know he likes them too! You are a very good artist Tink!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!! -- nonnie
- on March 20, 2010
Hi Honey!!!! I think your snowflakes are very pretty! I like the colors you used. And no two are the same! Love You Tink!!! Keep up the good work! Nonnie. xoxo
- on March 20, 2010
Those are some pretty awesome Radial Symmetry "Snowflakes"!! The colors just pop right out!
- on February 19, 2010
Jalyn, I love your Line Landscape picture! Pretty cool!
- on February 19, 2010
I love your clay wall hanging you made for me Tinky!!! I especially love all the colors of the wind that you added. Wink! Love you, Mom xoxo
- on January 25, 2010
Hi Jalyn your picture is very spookey and cool
- on December 18, 2009
What a beautiful Christmas Tree!!!
- on December 8, 2009
Spooky!! : )
- on November 19, 2009
I love these Sunflowers! Great Job!!!
Love, Mom xoxo
- on November 6, 2009
Nice work Jalyn......your becoming quite the artist!!!!! Love ya, sweety! xoxo
- on November 6, 2009
Is that your table in Art? I like how you drew it just the way it is in class. Great Job!!! Love u, Mom xoxo
- on September 23, 2009
I like your self portait Tinky! Good job!!! Love u, Mom xoxo
- on September 23, 2009
Wow Tinky!!! Sissy and I love your fireworks and can't wait to see if the real ones look like yours. I'm sure they will. Love ya!!! Mom xoxo
- on June 16, 2009
Jalyn, You sure have done some fantastic artwork!!! All of them have been masterpieces!! Which one is your favorite? Do you think we will see any fireworks that look like your last art picture? We will have to watch and see. We love you sweetie!!! Grandpa thinks you do a wonderful job also!! Keep up the great work! We Love You, Nonnie and Grandpa!
- on June 16, 2009
Jalyn that is some beautiful fireworks sweetheart! It almost looks like the 4th of july in june. Keep up the the good work, i can tell that you are getting very artistic the more you do in art class. Love, Kevin
- on June 16, 2009
Wow Jalyn! Awesome artwork!! -Mrs. Woodring
- on June 8, 2009
Way to go Jalyn! You did a fantastic job on your art, keep up the good work. Love, Kevin
- on June 8, 2009
This is the only snake that I can say that I truly like! Great job on the designs!
- on June 8, 2009
I love your flower garden! It's beautiful!!
Love, Mom xoxo
- on May 23, 2009
Jalyn, This is so beautiful! It looks like a tree in autumn exploding with color! This is really fantastic, I am amazed!
- on May 23, 2009
I love your Paper Strip Sculpture, Jalyn! I love how it pops right off of the paper as if it were speaking to you.
Love, Mom xoxo
- on May 16, 2009
Wow! It's an explosion of color and I love it!!! Love, Mom
- on May 16, 2009
Wow Tinky, great job on the egg. It looks like a magical egg. If I rub it will a easter bunny come out? I love you sweety. Dad
- on May 13, 2009
Jalyn, You did such a good job on your easter egg, and flower!! All the hard work that went into it! They are beautiful works of art!!! Keep up the good work honey! Tell your teacher she is doing a great job of teaching you! I love you! Nannie. xoxo
- on May 6, 2009
This Easter Egg looks familiar... looks good with my Easter decor. Great Job! Love, Mom
- on May 6, 2009
I like your flower Tink; you did an awesome job on it!!!
Love, Mom
- on May 5, 2009
Nice Job Tinky!! Keep up the good work! You know I love your art work!!! Love, Mom xoxo
- on May 4, 2009
Jalyn, Your art work is so great! Keep up the good work honey! I love you, so does Grandpa!! xoxoxo